Azerbaijan - General Information

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Country Name

Azerbaijan (Azərbaycan)

National railway system

Azerbaijan State Railway: ADDY (Azərbaycan Dövlət Dəmir Yolu)

The Azerbaijan and Georgian state railways currently hold sole responsibility for their sections of the Baku – Tbilisi – Kars railway. An equally-owned binational joint venture is to be set up to manage these sections once upgrading works ongoing in 2024 are completed.

Official Website

Azərbaycan Dəmir Yolları ADY


Azerbaijani (also called Azeri); 13 other languages are also spoken in the country


Manat (AZN)

UIC code

Numeric 57; alpha AZE


Journey Planner

Can be found at Online Ticket Sales

Downloadable Timetable

A list of Long Distance trains and International trains is given here: [1]

However, a good privately compiled timetable has been available but the last update was 2016.

Printed Timetable


Engineering Information



Printed Maps

Web-based Maps


The Online Ticket Sales booking system allows the purchase of tickets for any long distance train from/to any station and also destinations in Russia and Ukraine) served by direct trains.


Infrastructure Authority

Azerbaijan Railways acts as its own Infrastructure Authority. [2]

Network Statement

None known


"Russian" gauge (1520mm)


Historically 3000 V dc but the main line from Baku to Bëyük Kesik on the Georgian border was converted from 3 kV DC to 25 kV 50 Hz in August 2020. It is not known what has occurred on the short branches off this route. The Baku suburban lines and those to Yalama on the Russian border and south westwards to Imisli are presumed to remain 3000 V dc. The compilers would appreciate any information on this.

Rule of the road



No source known

Other railways


Tourist lines

None but but there are up to two a (former) “Pioneer” public narrow-gauge railway that combined a hobby activity for teenagers with practical training in railway operation. These 'Dyetsky Zelegny Dorogy' (DZD) typically operate on a few km of track in a public park on weekends between 1 May and the start of the new school year. For details, see the Web site (partly in English) . .



The metro is operated by Baku Metropolitan.

There is track plan of the Baku Metro from 2012 captioned in Cyrillic text.


Trams ceased to operate at Baku in January 2004 (Gauge 1524 mm), but there are plans to re-instate them.

Recent and future changes

On 31 May 2021 the complete Baku Metro was reopened, following closure by the pandemic on 19 October 2020.

On 29 May 2021, a 1 km extension of the Baku Metro, Violet line, opened to 8 Noyambr [8 November], doubling the length of this line.

The 36 km cut-off between Güzdək and Qaradağ, avoiding Baku, will be rebuilt as a double-track line. It was opened in 1963, but fell into disrepair in the 1970s.

The main east-west line from Baku to Bëyük Kesik on the Georgian border was converted from 3 kV DC to 25 kV 50 Hz in August 2020.

The reopening of the Abşeron Peninsula (Baku) circular railway has been completed. It consisted of three phases: 1. May 2019: Modernisation of the line NE from Baku main station to Sabunçu. 2. November 2019: Reopening of Sabunçu to Pirşağı. 3. 18 March 2020: Reopening of Pirşağı – Görədil – Novxanı – Sumqayıt.

In May 2005 the heads of the Russian, Azerbaijani and Iranian railways agreed a joint venture to construct and operate a new line from Astara (Azerbaijan) to Resht and Qazvin (Iran). Construction of the first section between Qazvin and Rasht was completed in March 2011. Astara (Azerbaijan) to Astara (Iran) opened to traffic 29 March 2018.

Baku trams ceased to operate in January 2004.

Special Notes

Azerbaijan includes the Autonomous Republic (muxtar respublika) of Nakhchivan, separated from the rest of the country by Armenia. Armenia controls a number of territories which are formally part of Azerbaijan, surrounding the Armenian enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh.

See also