Border Crossings: Azerbaijan - Iran
(Nakhichevan -) Julfa/Culfa ADDY - Jolfa IRIR (- Tabriz)
[D] This crossing links only to the Azerbaijani enclave of Nakhichevan. A daily freight train has run between Iran and the northern border of the enclave. However, there is some doubt as to whether any trains are running as the Iranian Foreign Minister talked at a meeting on 18 February 2021 about reopening the line.
(Osmanli -) Astara ADDY - Astara IRIR (- Rasht - Qazvin)
[D] Freight only. This 10 km long dual gauge (1520/1435 mm) border crossing was officially commissioned on 25 December 2017 and opened to traffic on 29 March 2018. At present it is a dead end branch.
On 17 May 2023 a €1·6bn agreement (with €1·3bn financed by Russia) to construct the 162 km Rasht – Astara line was signed by the transport ministers of Iran and Russia. Astara ADDY will be equipped with bogie changing facilities and probably also an SUW 2000 gauge changer. The line was supposed to be operational by 2024 but the finance was agreed only in May 2024.