Printed Maps

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This page lists the Printed Maps that are referenced in EGTRE.

Publication dates and ISBN details are provided where known.

Note that in some countries, particularly those using the Cyrillic or Greek alphabets, transliterations of station names to Latin characters do not always correspond with those in official publications.

Information on printed maps for countries beyond Europe is held at the Enthusiast's Guide to Travelling the Railways of the Rest of the World - see the relevant EGTROW page.

European Rail Atlas (All-Europe Enthusiast Edition)

by M.G. Ball. ISBN 978-1-9161212-9-4, Version date: 1 August 2020.

The Enthusiast Edition of the European Railway Atlas depicts the national network railways of Europe (everywhere west of the Russian border). All passenger, freight and proposed lines are shown, as are most heritage railways, though most metros are excluded.

Main lines are distinguished from secondary and single track from multiple. Electrification systems and track gauges are shown and there is a full index of stations and heritage railways. The atlas also has the key in nineteen European languages. For ordering and other details see European Rail Atlas Website.

European Rail Atlas (Regional series)

by M.G.Ball.

The Regional Atlas Series is a development of the original European Railway Atlas and is aimed at those railway enthusiasts, travellers and railway professionals who want greater detail. The maps are drawn to larger scales and show all stations on the National Networks.

All passenger, freight and proposed lines are shown, as are heritage railways, though some metros are excluded or simplified. Main lines are distinguished from secondary and single track from multiple. Electrification systems and track gauges are shown. There is a also full index of stations and heritage railways, together with weblinks.

This Regional Atlas Series has been amalgamated into three books, with countries grouped as below. Follow the link for ordering and other details. Page and grid references listed in EGTRE are unchanged.

Schweers+Wall Eisenbahnatlas series

Published by EK-Verlag (Eisenbahn Kurier), the successor to the former Schweers + Wall company. The new EK-Verlag editions still also bear the branding 'Edition Schweers + Wall'.

These atlases, with keys in German English and other languages, show railways at 1:150 000 or 1:300.000 scale, with enlargements for most large towns and cities. Single and double-track lines, electrified and freight-only railways are distinguished. Passenger train operators other than those of the national company are noted next to lines that they use; privately-owned lines and leased lines, with the operator as well if different. The gauge of narrow-gauge lines is stated. Lines out of use and those entirely closed are also shown. Details can occasionally be confused in congested areas, particularly because parallel lines are used to show railways with more than two tracks. Built-up areas, motorways, rivers, canals and forests are depicted.

The following books have been or are available. Each link leads to ordering and other details on the Eisenbahn Kurier online shop. Some of these maps are also available from Platform 5 Publishing. A full list of currently-available titles on the EK site is quickly reachable by going to

Eurosprinter series

by W. Kolondra except where otherwise stated, published by Eurosprinter, a Polish company.

Quail Map Company series

The Quail Map Company (formerly of Lincoln Road, Exeter, UK EX4 2DZ) has ceased trading. The following list of maps is given for reference, but most are quite old, out of date and out of print. However they generally contain useful historical and other supplementary information.

  • Railway Map of Estonia - ISBN 1-898319-26-X, Second Edition, published 1997.
  • Railway Map of Greece - ISBN 1-898319-48-X, Third Edition, published 2001.
  • Railway Map of Latvia, Lithuania and Russia (Kaliningrad Region) - ISBN 1-898319-20-0, Second Edition, published 1996.
  • Railway Map of Portugal - Third Edition, published 2010.
  • Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova Railway Atlas - (ISBN 1-898319-10-3), published December 1995.

See also General Information - Maps