Croatia - Tram services over obscure routes
Some tram systems advertise their depot workings and enable one to ascertain the regular use by passenger-carrying services of junctions or sections of line that do not otherwise see public service. This occasional series lists such services that have come to notice. While the data for each system is current at the date stated, it is not the intention to endeavour to keep every entry up to date at every service change - the listing serves as a guide for travellers as to the sort of services they can look out for, enabling them to check current published timetable material at their time of travel.
To assist in tracing services, the route and/or timetable number for each journey is shown in parentheses, e.g. (1). Days of operation are in English notation (respectively: Su, M, T, W, Th, F, S) - plus "O" for only, "X" for excepted. Su (Sundays) usually includes public holidays in mainland Europe - but check locally.
Listings for other systems throughout the world - in the same format as shown below (please include date of timetable validity) - will always be welcomed.
Advertised journeys in timetable dated 2 September 2019. You can drill down into each journey from the timetable page which shows each trip start and finish point which can identify out of course journeys.
Note the English schematic map implies all trams routes operate daily, this is incorrect.
Adžijina - Tehnički muzej
- Route 2 from Črnomerec to Depot Ljubljanica departing Adžijina at 09:13, 17:52, 18:14/38/52, 19:18/33, 23:52, 00:05/12/18/29/33 SSuX, 22:54, 23:51, 00:11/32 SO & 09:13, 17:52, 18:14/37/51, 19:18/33, 23:52, 00:05/18/30/43 SuO
- Route 11 at 19:21/51 00:25 SSuX 19:27, 21:40, 23:51, 00:07/24 SO & 21:24/38 00:07/23 SuO
- Route 2 from Depot Ljubljanica to Črnomerec departing Tehnički muzej at 04:23/38/51, 05:06/25/39/59, 06:16/29 SSuX, 05:07/25/55, 09:33 SO & 04:23/38/51, 05:06/25/39/59, 06:16/28 SuO
- Route 11 at 04:20 SSuX
Branimirova tržnica west to north
- Route 8 from Mihaljevac to Depot Mandlova [Dubrava] departing Sheraton at 23:50, 00:07 SSuX
- Route 8 from Depot Mandlova [Dubrava] to Mihaljevac departing Trg P. Krešimira at 04:19/34, 06:08 SSuX
Zapadni Kolodvor to Frankopanska
- Route 1 SSuX
Trg dr F Tudmana South to East
- Route 1 SSuX
Tehnički musej - Stud centar
- Route 3 SSuX
Sheraton - Branimir
- Route 8 SSuX
Night services
- Four routes operate to a totally different pattern from day services but the only unusual working is route N33 with through services onto the normally separately operated Mihaljevac - Dolje section using about 20 metres of rare track
Advertised journeys on website dated September 2019. Timetable information Note that although Wiki and the UrbanRail map suggests a Town Circular route 3 exists, there was no mention of this in the Sept 19 Timetable. Note with effect from 3 July 2023 that the complete system was suspended for modernisation works, and no services had resumed by late October 2023.
Route 2 taking S-E (single track) curve towards Zeleno Polje
Trams on route 2 leaving Osijek station normally turn left at Sakuntala Park, but trams returning to the depot turn right. These are easy to identify as they show a destination of "Zelono Polje" and the departure times are annotated ZP.
Departure times from stop TRŽNICA Monday - Friday: 15:52, 19:45, 23:40, 00:00, 00:20. Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays: 17:50, 00:00, 00:20 & 00:40
Dakovstina north to east
Normally no service but would be used by circular route 3 if running. It was in use between July and October 2022 by a truncated and diverted route 1.