Slovakia - Lines with Obscure or Sparse passenger services

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This list is currently being updated based on the timetable dated from 15 December 2024 until 13 December 2025, unless otherwise shown. Standard abbreviations are explained here. Trains running only certain days of the week are shown using ISO 8601 weekday numbers (

Map references for each route entry are given in parentheses ( ). References prefixed "ERA-E" refer to the European Railway Atlas (All-Europe Edition) by M.G. Ball. References prefixed "ERA-R" refer to the European Railway Atlas (Regional Series: Book 3) by M.G. Ball.

IMPORTANT NOTE: in the Slovak Railways timetable (Cestovný poriadok), the ⚒ working days symbol means ① to ⑤ not, as for most other railways, ① to ⑥.

Obscure services

Zbehy – Jelšovce

[140,141] (ERA-E 89C2; ERA-R 204A3) SK25/1

This curve is used by trains running directly between Prievidza and Bratislava, avoiding Lužianky. There are regular trains throughout the day and these can be readily identified in the ZSSK timetable as follows: For northbound trains use timetable 140 and look for trains starting from Bratislava hl.s. or Leopoldov with blanks against stations until a black line "|" starts at Jelšovce plus calls at Topoľčany and Prievidza. For southbound services use timetable 140 and look for trains starting from Prievidza calling at Topoľčany with a black line as far as Jelšovce and destination Bratislava hl.s.

Kysak avoiding line: Veľká Lodina (Kysak výh. č 35/36) – Obišovce (Kysak výh. č 39/40)

[180, 188] (ERA-E 91A4; ERA-R 202A3) SK25/2

This curve is used by trains between Prešov and Margecany which are not booked to call and reverse at Kysak. Much reduced use in 2025 as the previous pair of Leo Express services to/from Prešov now call at Kysak.

Note Days Train
Note A Summer ⑦ REX1682 09:21 Prešov – Margecany

Note A: runs SuO 15 June until 14 September plus 29 August, 1 & 15 September 2025

Ružomberok – Zápalkáreň

(ERA-E 90A4; ERA-R 200B3) SK25/3

This is a summer only shuttle along a 3 km freight line giving access to a park running on dates between late June and the end of September as per this 2024 operating dates and timings webpage. The 2024 timetable claims services have been running for seven years, but has only been known of since 2020...

Obscure services: Lines used on an occasional basis for engineering work diversions

Zvolen avoider

[160, 170] (ERA-E 90A3; ERA-R 200B1) SK25/5

This north to east curve was last used between 5 - 23 November 2021 by trains to/from Banska Bystrica and Zvolen reversing at Zvolen nákladná stanica due to local engineering works.

Hodonín ČD - Holíč nad Moravou ŽSR

[Ex ČD 332/Ex ŽSR 115] (ERA-E 95C3; ERA-R 197C2; 88 ČD section only) SK25/6

This electrified single track cross border line closed to passengers at the December 2004 timetable change but is used by freight services and as a diversionary passenger route, fairly regularly in recent years due to upgrade work taking place on the main line between Břeclav and Kúty (SK). Last scheduled use between 24th to 29th August & 7th to 9th September 2024, following six earlier short periods in 2024. Details are shown on the ČD or ŽSSK engineering work listings.

Žilina – Od. Skupina - Odb Potok

(ERA-E 90A4-A5, ERA-R 200A3) SK25/7

Click on thumbnails for 2 maps of Žilina station and area to the east:-

Extensive engineering works have been taking place east of Žilina since July 2022 and there has since been reported use of various combinations of goods lines and associated flyovers, some route options limited if the service had a booked call at Varin. The diversions were believed to have stopped in late 2023, but an October 2024 report was received of a westbound R train diverging at Odb. Vah to run on goods lines alongside the Container Depot and via the flyover to the separate bridge over the River Vah north of the main lines to the new northbound side platforms at Žilina.

Click on this thumbnail for the diagram highlighting the lines reported to have been used through the yard.

The ZSSK real time trains map shows the diversion.


See Slovakia - Tram services over obscure routes

Other sparse services

The following lines have few trains (relative to service levels generally in this country) - fewer than three trains each way on at least three days a week - or do not run each weekday.

Table Route Remark
122 Trenčianska Teplá - Trenčianske Teplice Included in National PDFs but to confirm operating dates of this NG electric tramway see the operators' website Trez
123 Horné Srnie - Vlárský průsmyk(CD) 1 return train ⑤ and ⑦ (at different times)
153 [part] Šahy - Čata Two pairs ①-⑤, No service ⑥ or ⑦
154 Hronská Dúbrava - Banská Štiavnica Only ⑥ or ⑦ 23 December 2024 - 6 January 2025, daily from 30 June - 31 August 2025
160 Fiľakovo - Fiľakovo zastávka No service ⑥ or ⑦
174 Brezno-Halny - Tisovec One pair ①-⑤ EXCEPT 23 December 2024 - 6 January 2025, 4 pairs daily from 30 June - 31 August 2025
185 Stará Ľubovňa - Plaveč ⑤,⑦ plus additional Winter and summer ⑥ and ⑦, see PDF for details
185 Studený Potok - Tatranská Lomnica ⑥ and ⑦ plus daily between 23 December 2024 - 6 January/30 June - 31 August 2025
188 Lipany - Plaveč One pair ⑤,⑦ with exceptions plus additional odd dates, see PDF
188 Plaveč - Muszyna (Poland) Only Winter and summer ⑥ and ⑦, see Cross Border entry for details
191 Medzilaborce mesto - Łupków (Poland) Summer only ⑥ and ⑦

Deletions since previous edition

Bratislava Vajnory to Bratislava Vinohrady via Bratislava východ (line 127a)

(ERA-E 89A5; ERA-R 205C1) SK24/4

No reports of these diversions continuing into 2023 so deleted. Westbound services between Bratislava Vajnory and Bratislava Vinohrady had been diverted via Line 127a.

Deletions from sparse services

Table Route Remark
190 Čierna nad Tisou - Čop After RegioJet commencing now four pairs a day

Lines without services

The 2024/25 timetable as at early December 2024 contains a section saying "Carriers have not ordered passenger trains on the lines listed". The comments are lifted word for word, so for example for 186 Levoča, no details are shown in the timetable but the remark suggests the usual services on one weekend in early July may operate.

Most have been closed to passengers for many years, but some, especially those reachable from Košice in a day are known to have occasional excursion services.

Table Remark
112 Zohor – Plavecký Mikuláš Except seasonal trains
113 Zohor – Záhorská Ves
115 Holíč nad Moravou – Hodonín
117 Brezová pod Bradlom – Jablonica
122 Trenčianska Teplá – Trenčianske Teplice Except seasonal trains
124 Nemšová – Lednické Rovne
133 Sereď – Leopoldov
134 Šaľa – Neded
136 Komárno – Kolárovo
141 Dražovce – Kozárovce
142 Zbehy – Radošina
144 Prievidza – Nitrianske Pravno
161 Lučenec – Kalonda
163 Katarínska Huta – Breznička
164 Fiľakovo – Somosköújfalu
165 Plešivec – Muráň
166 Plešivec – Slavošovce
167 Dobšiná – Rožňava
168 Moldava nad Bodvou – Medzev
186 Spišská Nová Ves – Levoča Except seasonal trains
187 Spišské Vlachy – Spišské Podhradie Except seasonal trains
192 Trebišov – Vranov nad Topľou
195 Bánovce nad Ondavou – Veľké Kapušany

The following lines have no passenger service, are not in the above list but are still shown in the Cestovný poriadok:

114 Skalica na Slovensku - Sudoměřice nad Mor.
135 Komárno - Komárom (Hungary)
190 Slovenské Nové Mesto - Sátoraljaújhely (Hungary)

See also