Border Crossings: Austria - Slovakia

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(Wien -) Marchegg ÖBB - Devínska Nová Ves ŽSR (- Bratislava)

[D] There was a roughly hourly service between Bratislava and Wien, worked by ÖBB diesel locomotives. The line was closed from Marchegg to Bratislava from start of traffic 01.01.2024 for electrification work and was scheduled to reopen on December 9th but his has now been delayed until July 6 2025 as the border bridge after Marchegg station requires far more substantial repairs than originally thought.

(Wolfsthal) Berg ÖBB - Kittisee (Bratislava) ČSD

[E] The line's last passenger train ran on April 2 1945. The border crossing was used by Russian military trains until 1947 when it was closed and lifted. Wolfsthal to Berg, the latter 126m from the border, remained open for freight only until the last train on 14 February 1957

(Bruck an der Leitha -) Kittsee ÖBB - Bratislava-Petržalka ŽSR

[E*] ÖBB works to Bratislava-Petržalka. A bay platform and the south end of the adjacent through platform are electrified at 15kV 16.7Hz for ÖBB local trains, the remainder of the station being electrified at 25kV 50Hz.

See also