Slovenia - General Information

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Country Name

Slovenia (Republika Slovenija)

National railway system

National Railway Operator

Slovenske Železnice (). This is essentially the former JŽ Ljubljana Division, less lines in Istria that are now in Croatia.





UIC code

numeric 79; alpha SLO.


Journey Planner

Here. It does not appear to have an English language version. Any International query is web re-directed to ÖBB Scotty Journey Planner, although service details are available by Country here.

Downloadable Timetable

No complete download available, they can be accessed through the following Slovene language page to PDF Timetables by route.

Printed Timetable

Vozni Red. Unclear if still available as last report of a purchase was in 2018. It included introductory material in German and French. Some non-standard symbols are used to indicate days of the week on which trains run.

Engineering Information

Engineering information can be found (in Slovene only) on Works on the Railway Network

Bus Information

APT Gorizia (Azienda Provinciale Trasporti) operates a cross border route "INT" between Gorizia Centrale station and Piazza Transalpina (Nova Gorica FS station) running approximately 2 hourly.


Printed Maps

Web-based Maps


Higher fares are charged for travel on express trains (Intercity Slovenija, Eurocity, Intercity or Mednarodni), but by West European standards all fares are inexpensive. There is no known network ticket.


Infrastructure Authority

SŽ-Infrastruktura Only in Slovene.

SŽ appears to act as its own infrastructure authority through Slovenske železnice – Infrastruktura, d.o.o

Network Statement

Towards the bottom of this page is the 2025 Network Statement with that for 2026 below.

In Addition to the main document, some of the appendices contain useful information

Annex 2A contains technical data (names, km distances, electrification) for line segments

Annex 2B contains km distances on line segments plus signalling details

Annex 2C contains track maps of stations




3 kV dc. Electrification of Pragersko - Hodoš, on the Hungarian border, was completed and opened in June 2016.

Rule of the road

Left, except between Zidani Most and Dobova/Savski Marof.


Detailed distances can be found in the following:

Other railways

None but of note is a SŽ operated diesel locomotive hauled car carrying "Autovlak" shuttle from Bohinjska Bistrica to Most na Soči through the 6,339m long Wocheiner Tunnel on the Jesenice - Nova Gorica line. This is shown as "AVT" in the passenger timetable as it is available to any traveller.

Tourist lines

None, but battery electric powered, 620 mm narrow-gauge, trains convey visitors through the spectacular caves near Postojna, over a 3.7 km railway loop. Postojna Cave Railway Short History.

The Slovenian Railway Museum is located in Ljubljana.





Recent and Future Changes

Future Changes

Construction of the second line linking the port of Koper to the SŽ network at Divača was officially launched on 5 May 2021, following the signing of the €403.6m contract for the Divača – Črni Kal section. A €224.7m contract for the Črni Kal – Koper section was signed on 31 March 2021.
The original plan was that the 27.1 km new line would be single track and used by trains to Koper; the existing 44.3 km single track line would be used by trains from Koper. However, at the end of January 2023, the Slovenian government decided that the new line will be double track, and the existing line abandoned and converted to a cycle track.

Recent Changes

Changes in 2023-2024

The HŽ operated service on the branch to Mursko Središće resumed continuing cross border on an isolated section of Slovenian track to Lendava in December 2023. This is not shown in any Slovenian PDF.

Changes in 2022-2023

On 14 August 2023 the first passenger train used the new 3.7km deviation (via the Pekel tunnel) between Maribor and Pesnica, on the line to Graz.

Changes in 2021-2022

The new Croatian (HZ) timetable no longer showed a passenger service between Mursko Središće (Croatia) and Lendava (Slovenia) - an isolated branch terminus with no connection to the rest of the SZ network.

Changes in 2020-2021

The cross-border service between (Metlika -) Rosalnice and Kamanje (Croatia) (- Karlovac) ceased on 5 April 2021.

Passenger trains restarted on the 48.6km long Grosuplje – Kočevje branch on 3 January 2021, having been withdrawn in July 1968.

The 2020-2021 timetable shows increased use of the cross-border line between Sežana and Villa Opicina. SŽ services on this line were reinstated on 5 January 2015, replacing substitute bus services following approval for the 312 'Desiro' units by the Italian authorities. The daytime service between Venezia and Ljubljana had ceased to run west of Villa Opicina from 1 April 2008 because FS would no longer allow SŽ trains lacking the Italian train protection system to run on their lines and further cut back to Sežana on 12 April 2008. This left just the overnight Venezia - Budapest train as the only cross-border service but that was withdrawn on 11 December 2011 with no cross border service until the SŽ locals mentioned above in 2015. A through Ljubljana - Trieste service started on 9 September 2018.

Changes in 2016-2017

According to the German Railfans Society IBSE, the one train only service via the curve from Maribor Tezno – Maribor Tabor ran for the last time on 9 June 2017.

Changes in 2014-2015

The following lines reopened at the timetable change on 14 December 2014:

  • 32 Sveti Rok ob Sotli - Đurmanec (Croatia)
  • 40 Središče - Macinec (Croatia)
  • 40 Mursko Središče (Croatia) - Lendava

The following line lost its passenger service at the timetable change on 14 December 2014:

  • 72 Prvačina - Ajdovščina

Changes in 2013-2014

The cross-border service between (Metlika -) Rosalnice and Kamanje (Croatia) (- Karlovac) was reinstated on 15 December 2013, having lost its passenger service on 9 December 2012.

Services were withdrawn, probably at the start of the 2013 - 2014 timetable, from the 1km branch from Ljubljana Polje to BTC City Ljubljana, which opened in 2005 or 2006.

Special Notes


See also