Czech Republic - Tram services over obscure routes
Some tram systems advertise their depot workings and enable one to ascertain the regular use by passenger-carrying services of junctions or sections of line that do not otherwise see public service. This occasional series lists such services that have come to notice. While the data for each system is current at the date stated, it is not the intention to endeavour to keep every entry up to date at every service change - the listing serves as a guide for travellers as to the sort of services they can look out for, enabling them to check current published timetable material at their time of travel.
To assist in tracing services, the route and/or timetable number for each journey is shown in parentheses, e.g. (1). Days of operation are in English notation (respectively: Su, M, T, W, Th, F, S) - plus "O" for only, "X" for excepted. Su (Sundays) usually includes public holidays in mainland Europe - but check locally.
Listings for other systems throughout the world - in the same format as shown below (please include date of timetable validity) - will always be welcomed.
Brno: DPMB
Advertised journeys in timetables as at 9 December 2018 and later reports. Timetables can be found here and a route map as at July 2022 but it includes bus and trolleybus routes so is cluttered.
Krásného - Stránská skála smyčka
Route 10. An hourly service apart from every 20 minutes Monday- Friday early mornings and afternoons.
Geislerova loop
As at December 2021, every second tram on route 10 terminates there and all of the sizeable loop can be done in service
Moravské náměstí East to South
Previously only used in one direction then as at August 2022 in both directions by route 9, but no scheduled use by April 2023.
Nové sady–smyčka loop
No regular use by April 2023. As at August 2022 it had been in use by route 1.
Komín smyčka loop
Inbound services terminate at Komín vozovna and run out of service onto this large street loop. The Komín smyčka departure stop is only on the loop close to the exit junction so uses around 60m of unique track. This loop is only used between 08:57 and 14:47 Daily.
Note unless stated most TSUL Journeys do not operate during July and August. Timings from on-line stop timetables. There are also a number of large Terminal loops with infrequent use to the in and out stops but no complete circle passenger use and these are not mentioned here.
Hlavní nádraží North to West
Had been shown previously in used by Route 8 05:14 SSuX towards Starý Lískovec smyčka plus Summer weekend only vintage route 4 journeys. Note these depart from the stop in Ul. Masarykovo but the stop just after the curve had no timetable details on it when viewed in April 2023.
Mendlovo náměstí East to West
Normally only used by a few advertised Pisárky Depot journeys on routes 5 and 12 but as at August 2022 in use by all route 5 journeys due to a street closure. Previous timings from the last normal line of route stops on Route 5 at Nemocnice u sv Anny were at 07:42, 08:29, 17:09, 18:19/29, 19:21/31, 21.11/44 & 22.44 SSuX 19:31, 22.14/29/44 SSuO or on Route 12 at Česká North stop 22:44 SSuX [all year].
None were shown going into service on routes 5 or 12 via this curve but is used eastbound by some route 1's terminating at Mendlovo náměstí which reverse using the loop accessed beyond the East junction. Those departed Lipova at 21:15, 22:46, 23:01/16 Daily
Vozovna Pisárky
From 1 May 2023 passenger use reverted to inbound to Pisárky Depot journeys that leave the normal route some distance after the Lipova stop, continuing parallel but at ground level to the passing route [which drops into a cutting]. This 300m can be travelled in service to a separate high level Pisárky stop at the Depot entrance.
From 9 January 2021 until 30 April 2023, with the route passing the Depot closed for construction of a new tram tunnel, all route 1 journeys terminated at the entrance to Vozovna Pisárky Depot using the route described above, then unusually departed in passenger service through the Tram Depot to regain line of route towards Brno city centre.
Liberec: DPML
Advertised journeys in timetables as at 1 September and 17 December 2016.
South-west curve and part of depot branch at Rybníček
Depot workings from and to the western (Horni Hanychov) end of routes 2 and 3. Departure times from the Depot Access Road are marked at Rybníček with note T ("departs from stop on Tatranské ulice"); towards the Depot from Nádraží are marked note R ("runs only to Rybníček stop").
1. Westbound departures from Rybníček, Tatranské ulice stop: 04:09 (2) 04:18 (3) 04:38/59 05:54 (2) 06:14 (3) 06:41 (2) 19:43/58 (3) SSuX OR 04:14 (2) 04:32 (3) SSuO
2. Eastbound departures from Nádraží: 00:48 (3) 08:00/29 (2) 18:16 20:01 23:03/18 (3) SSuX OR 20:16 23:03/18 (3) SSuO. It has been noted that these workings, particularly those after 23:00, may run early.
South-east curve and part of depot branch at Rybníček
There are numerous Depot workings inbound from Fügnerova on routes 3, 5 and 11 marked in the timetable with note R ("runs only to Rybníček stop") . While there is a stop of this name before the junction it is possible to travel to the identical stop name on the Depot Access Road used by trams terminating via the south-west curve entries above. This curve was traversed on such a route 11 working in Feb 2017 with normal passengers alighting at the Depot Access Road stop in lieu of the Rybníček stop "proper". Other rote 5 workings were observed with passengers on this curve. The times at Fügnerova are
Route 3: 00:39 08:16 16:58 17:30 18:19 19:07/19 23:03 SSuX 19:48 23:07 SSuO
Route 5: 06:11/26/41/56 07:11/26/41/56 08:11 13:11/26/41/56 & repeat until 19:26, 21:15 22:35 23:13 SSuX 02:45 17:56 21:15 22:35 23:13 SSuO 18:26/41 SO
Route 11: 01:10 17:03/18/33/48 18:03/18 20:03 23:18 SSuX 21:21 SO 23:18 SSuO
Fügnerova loop
Routes 5 and 11 with limited exceptions run beyond Fügnerova to the Depot or Viadukt so what was the previous deleted Connecting Line TSUL entry is the norm, it is the loop that is now rare. There are no advertised workings to/from the depot on/off the loop; it is only scheduled in the anti-clockwise direction with associated curves. Note the curve from the loop towards the Depot is Standard Gauge only.
Westbound departures from Mlýnská inbound to loop:
1. Route 11 in timetable dated 1.9.2016 at 00:13 daily, 01:08 SSuX, 01:13 SSuO 02:13 SSuO, 22:50 Daily
Eastbound in Jablonec direction departing from stop on loop
1. Route 11 at 00:20 Daily, 01:20 SSuO and 23:20 Daily
2. Route 5 in timetable dated 17.12.16 at 02:20 SSuO
Most - Litvinov: DPML
Map including bus routes here. Unusually their website announces timetable change dates in advance, [4 due in 2024], but as individual route timetables are dated the following entries are as shown.
North to south curve near Most, zimní stadion
Route 3, from Litvínov, Citadela to Most, nádraží, covers the north to south side of the triangle near Most, zimní stadion. This only runs in the early morning of Monday - Friday, possibly associated with shift change at the CHEMOPETROL works. As per the PDF timetable dated 10 December 2023;
1. Southbound departures from the request stop of Most Chomutovská SSuX at; 05:23, 05:38, 05:53, 06:08 and 06:23
2. Northbound departures leave Most, nádraží SSuX at; 05:00, 05:15, 05:30, 05:45, 06:00, 06:15 and 06:30.
Also used by the few Route 40 entries below that run daily.
Most nádraží balloon loop
From 10 December 2023 route 40, from Most, Tesco at 00:31, 04:16 Daily to Most Velebudická or 03.13 to Litvínov, Citadela Daily.
The timetable changed when resuming on 1 May 2023 after a two year engineering work bus substitution, so although still shown to cover the balloon loop beyond Most nádraží in passenger service [a distance of 670 metres], the timetable now only shows one timing at Most nádraží, hence why Most, Tesco is listed as three minutes are allowed towards Most nádraží and just one after.
So these trams will run via the Most nádraží outer arrival platform before traversing the loop, then call at different platforms split by destination, north side to Litvínov, Citadela, middle to Most Velebudická.
Note all these journeys also run via the above entry.
Olomouc: DPMO
As at July 2016 no unusual line use identified
Ostrava: DPO
Mainly as at June 2022 unless stated. Link to PDF Timetables and route map
Hrabůvka east to north
The triangle and line to Dubina is closed from 17 September until 10 December 2022 so trams are diverted via this curve.
Sokolovská - north to west curve to Telekom. škola
No service. Was in use between 1 July and 31 August 2020 by temporary route 'NTD' from Martinov to Budišovice-Zátiši (trams doing the complete route would also traverse the through connection to/from route 5 and 7, 8 & 17 at Vřesinská).
Kolonie Jeremenko - Nádraží Vítkovice - Rodinná
Route 6 journeys run rush hours and afternoons only SSuX. No summer service (2022 between 1 July and 31 August inclusive).
Výstaviště - Elektra
This East to north curve is used by route 14, which has a very limited service 4 trams early morning one lunchtime north to east, two lunchtime from east to north and one late evening (1)-(5). On (6) and (7) the is only 1 service in each of the three 'peak hours'.
Rodinná south to west
A newish curve not shown on the 2013 Doprava "Quail" style map which was in use by July 2016 by route 15, a Výškovice - Dubina service.
Rodinná south to east
In use from June 2022 by diverted route 17.
Plzen: PMDP
Timetables from 4 January 2020.
The diversion of Route 1 southbound beyond its terminus at Slovany via the normally non-passenger Depot access Line to the terminus of, and then via Route 2 from Svetovar has ended, as has use of the street loop from Sady Pětatřicátníků via U Synagogy to from U Práce as the southern extension of route 4 from Bory to Univerzita opened on 16 December 2019.
Sady Pětatřicátníků south to east
Depot runs on/off the southern end of route 4 and note there are two separate south to east curves near Sady Pětatřicátníků as the route to/from Hlavni nádraží splits into separate streets. Outbound from the Depot timings are not advertised on stops but are found in the journey planner.
- Route 4 from Slovany departing Hlavní pošta at 04:33/50, 05:09, 06:15, 12:49, 13:07 SSuX, 04:24/37/57, 06:57 SSuO
- Route 4 to Slovany departing stop Bory 07:47/59, 08:03/26/31/37/56, 09:07, 16:58, 18:07, 19:50, 20:11, 22:48, 23:47, 00:02 SSuX
Praha: DPP
This network is huge, with numerous rare curves, loops or street loops possible for Depot runs, short workings or diversionary use. There are frequent short term maintenance closures with diversions so this list can never be comprehensive, its purpose is to highlight curves and lines with scheduled as opposed to occasional diversionary use but all details should be checked before travel.
Check the PDF's on each route for the timetables by stop and the Current Departures. If this Link does not take you to the list of routes that quote relevant dates of operation, click on "tramwaje" on the left hand side.
It is useful to note if stops at junctions have fixed arrows against route numbers they indicate which direction those trams will take at a nearby junction. These are updated for engineering work diversions, but cannot of course reflect odd Depot runs that may differ. The Network map of DPP dated 31 December 2024 is here, or a Privately produced version as at 25 November 2024 here showing non-passenger curves and loops. A detailed track plan is here.
Tourist Trams
Dlabačov loop
A second historic route 42 is shown terminating at this loop from 25 November 2024 running all year FSSuO. Only special tickets available from the Conductor are valid and this is the only rare section of track covered by this route as at November 2024.
Královsky letohrádek - Chotkovy sady west to north avoiding curve
In April 2023 in use by above route 41 journeys but only towards Výstaviště
Strossmayerovo namesti west to north
In April 2023 in use by above route 41 journeys but only towards Výstaviště
Vozovna Střešovice West - Brusnice East
This connecting line has triangles at each end and no regular service, but is used as per the heading combination by Historic Route 41 on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays, running from April to November. In April 2023 route 41 was a one tram operation departing Vozovna Střešovice approximately hourly from 10am until 5pm. Only special tickets available from the Conductor are valid and note this service arrives/departs from a loop just inside the front of Vozovna Střešovice Depot.
The alternative options at the triangle are listed in the occasional Depot run section below.
Výstaviště loop and short branch to Planetarium
In November 2024 the track arrangement is being revised so route 41 services can run direct clockwise via the south side of the loop to terminate at Planetarium. Previously, from an unknown date in 2019 they would call at the inbound Vystiviste loop stop and continue with passengers 200m anti-clockwise around the north side [on a section that will revert to being non-passenger carrying], to reverse into the c100m long stub to reach the Planetarium platform. Route 41 only operates at weekends and on public holidays from 10:00 to approximately 18.00 from April to November and normal tickets/fares do not apply.
Staroměstká north to west
In April 2023 in use by route 41 journeys but only towards Vozovna Střešovice Depot.
[Královka -] Malovanka via Hládkov to Brusnice
Only inbound journeys towards Central Prague of tourist route 23 [on which normal tickets are valid] run via this single track connecting line. Also note route 23 is the only route to use the loop at Královka and this is in passenger service with a short gap between the drop off and pick up stops.
Zvonařka branch and terminus
In Regular use since 25 March 2017 by tourist route 23 on which normal tickets are valid. This terminus is on a branch of approximately 200 metres length with no loop. Any arrivals terminate in service in dead-end street 1 and reverse out of service into street 2. A traveller in March 2020 advises a pick up stop has been introduced in street 2 so trams no longer depart empty to the stop before street 1 and 2 separate.
Obscure services hard to identify from Route maps
Anděl re-routing
Route 7 by March 2022, and route 21 by April 2023 to/from Radlická have been re-routed via a previous non passenger LINE, (not curve) of approximately 470m length shown on the Doprava Praha tram Map via Kováků, two streets to the west and parallel to the previously used main north south route from Andel. This new route re-joins the old at what was a triangle with the now closed east west line via stop Knížecí.
Depo Hostivar
Depo Hostivar Metro station and tram stop were some distance apart but a new large loop opened on 13 August 2022 taking trams right to the Metro entrance. Route 7 now terminates here but route 16 that goes further east doesn't by-pass, but runs via and right round the loop, using the south to east curve to/from its destination at Ustredni Dilny.
Hlavní nádraží
A short stub of a long closed section in ul. Opletalova has re-opened, [it will eventually become part of the planned route via Wenceslas Square]. This sees occasional use, for example for a Metro closure on 23/24 September 2023 by temporary route XC to Výstaviště.
Nádraží Braník
Routes 2 & 3 terminating here use a ground level loop accessed by a 0.5km line branching off the route to Sídliště Modřany which has a halt of the same name alongside but at a higher level.
Náměstí Bratří Synků and Otakarova area
There is a flat crossing junction at Náměstí Bratří Synků with three curves and a nearby short street loop with a triangle at both ends [of which one side is single track...]. As at April 2023 these have an unusual operating practice:-
- Route 19 uses different routes in either direction with towards Pankrác trams calling at Otakarova then via the East to South curve to call at Náměstí Bratří Synků, but in the eastbound direction it takes the south to east curve onto the street loop, then the south to east curve avoiding calling at Otakarova
- Route 24 terminates on the street loop at Náměstí Bratří Synků which is reached in service clockwise by the west to south curve from Otakarova. It continues out of service around the north to west single track curve to a unique pick up stop section at Náměstí Bratří Synků.
All other curves are in regular use.
Sídliště Modřany - Levského
This entry is now superfluous as from 27 May 2023 alternate route 17's were extended on a new section of line from Sídliště Modřany to Libuš. Previously routes 17 & 21 [plus Route 3 in SSuX rush hours] from Praha terminated at Sídliště Modřany, but all departures were from Levského 0.5km further at the loop exit and out of sight over an incline.
Depot runs
Praha Nádraží Holešovice east to north
In all day use from 1 February until 10 October 2025 by diverted routes 1, 14 & 25 as Holešovice to Výstaviště is blocked. Otherwise, from a July 2023 report, only in use by limited route 12 trams do not continue to their normal terminus at Výstaviště but use this curve towards Vozovna Kobylisy. Departures from Ortenovo náměstí at 09:10, 10:10, 19:30, 19:49 SSuX, 23:03 SSuO, 23:23 SSuX, 23:43, 00:03, 00:23 Daily as they are not shown with times at Nádraží Holešovice.
Depo Hostivar west to east
All route 16 journeys to/from Ustredni Dilni were diverted to run via the new Depo Hostivar Metro station loop from on 13 August 2022 but as the avoiding west to east rails were shiny in April 2023 it is assumed there are some Depot runs by-passing but details are not known.
Kotorská south to east
The new extension of route 19 to Pankrác has a triangle at the junction, and the timetable posted at Pankrác in April 2023 showed journeys to Vozovna Pankrác at 21:25, 21:45, 22:05 SSuX, 21:43, 22:23, 22:43, 23:03 SSuO. There may be others in the opposite direction but details are not known.
Vozovna Střešovice East - Brusnice West
Previous timetables showed some Route 22 Journeys from Bílá Hora to Vozovna Vokovice with timings to Brusnice but none for Pražský hrad or Královský letohrádek implying they use the connecting line and opposite combination of curves from Route 41 described above, plus Prašný most - Dejvicka. They departed Pohořelec at 17:52, 18:22, 18:51, 19:55, 20:40, 22:15, 23:25, 23:41 and every 10 minutes until 00:21, 00:36 & 00:51 SuX
Výtoň South to East
Previous timetables showed Route 17 from Levského with departures from Podolská vodárna at 19:05, 19:28, 23:32, 23:42, 23:59 and every 10 minutes until 00:39, 00:48, 00:54 SSuX
Lotyšská - Dejvicka
Previous timetables showed
- Route 8 journeys from Nádraží Podbaba to Vozovna Vokovice departing Lotyšská at 09:42, 20:09, 00:00, SSuX & 00:20 & 00:40 Daily.
- Route 20 journeys from Nádraží Podbaba to Vozovna Vokovice departing Lotyšská at 09:35, 20:34, 21:20 SSuX, 20:56 SO, 20:26, 00:29 SuO & 23:49, 00:09 Daily.
Prašný most - Dejvicka
Previous timetables showed
- Route 1 journeys from Sídliště Petřiny to Vozovna Vokovice departing Prašný most at 09:50, 19:47, 21:18, 21:41, 22:26 SSuX, 20:21 SSuO, 21:21, 21:36 SO, 20:06 SuO, 01:06 Daily.
- Route 18 journeys from Sídliště Petřiny to Vozovna Vokovice departing Prašný most at 09:56, 20:25, SSuX and 23:37, 23:56, 00:16, 00:36 Daily.
- Route 25 journeys from Vypich to Vozovna Vokovice departing Prašný most at 10:08, 21:41, 21:58 SSuX and 20:40, 21:10, 21:26 Daily.
Palmovka North to East
Previous timetables showed Route 10 journeys from Sídliště Ďáblice to Vozovna Hloubětín departing Palmovka North at 19:40, 22:27 SSuX, 21:12 SSuO & 01:04 Daily
Palmovka West to North
Previous timetables showed a Route 25 journey from Vypich to Vozovna Kobylisy departing Palmovka at 20:15 SSuO
Nademlejnská - Stary Hloubětín North
Previous timetables showed a Route 25 journey from Vypich to Vozovna Hloubětín departing Nademlejnská 20:36 SSuO. Note Nademlejnská is a request stop so it may be advisable to board earlier to avoid confusion.
Střelničná East to North
Previous timetables showed Route 10 journeys from Střelničná to Vozovna Kobylisy at 09:13, 10:13, 18:55, 20:03, 20:17, 20:32, 21:39 SSuX & 22:52, 23:32 SSuO & 23:51, 00:11, 00:31 Daily
Horky - Nuselská radnice
Previous timetables showed Route 11 journeys from the southern terminus to Vozovna Pankrác. In July 2016 they were scheduled from Horky at 00:15, 00:30 Daily
Anděl South to West
Previous timetables showed
- Route 12 journeys from Sídliště Barrandov to Vozovna Motol from Anděl South at 10:15, 20:37, 22:43 SSuX 23:12 23:14 SO & 23:56, 00:16, 00:36 Daily
- Route 14 journeys from Sídliště Barrandov to Vozovna Motol from Anděl South at 21:57, 00:11 SSuX, 20:06, 23:06, 23:10 SO & 20:14, 20:47, 21:06, 22:36, 22:56, 23:16, 23:57 SO
- Route 20 journeys from Sídliště Barrandov to Vozovna Motol from Anděl South at 09:48, 20:43, 21:45, 00:29 SSuX, 22:24 SO, 21:31 SuO & 00:06, 00:46 Daily
Horky - Paloucek
Previous timetables showed
- Depot runs to/from Vozovna Pankrác to/from stop Horky. At November 2019 from Horky at least at 22.58, as at March 2019 on [night route] 96 at 0423/54 SSuX, 05:23 SSuX or routes 11 or 14 at 09:48/53, 10:23/38, 18:08/58, 19:59, 20:04, 20:34 SX, 20:41, 21:19 FSSuX, 21:52, 22:04 FSSuX 22:22, 22:26 FSSuX, 00:01 Daily on [night route] route 93, or from Nuselská radnice route 11 or 14 at 03:57, 04:17/28/37/48, 05:07/08/36/45, 06:03/18/38 07:07/11, 14:27/41, 15:07/11, 20:28/58 FSSuX.