Czech Republic - Lines with Obscure or Sparse passenger services

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This list is based on the timetable dated from 15 December 2024 to 13 December 2025. Standard abbreviations are explained here.

Map references for each route entry are given in parentheses ( ). References prefixed "ERA-E" refer to the European Railway Atlas (All-Europe Edition) by M.G. Ball. References prefixed "ERA-R" refer to the European Railway Atlas (Regional Series: Book 3) by M.G. Ball. In addition, the map reference in the Malkus Atlas Drah České Republiky (2006/7 edition) is shown in italics.

The first two subsections below (Lines with regular use and Line used on an occasional basis) are based on information published in the Správa železnic (SŽ) network timetable which details all the services provided under the public service obligation framework including all franchised and licenced open access operators. There is also a very active enthusiast and leisure/tourist market and the third subsection below (Leisure and enthusiast services) includes information about some of the obscure lines regularly used by such services.

IMPORTANT NOTE: in the Czech Railways timetable Jízdní Řád, the "crossed hammers" working days symbol means "Mondays to Fridays" not, as for most other railways, "Mondays to Saturdays".

Obscure services: Lines with regular use

(Praha-Vršovice –) Praha-Zahradní Město - Praha-Malešice – Praha-Běchovice

[002] (ERA-E 92A2-92C4; ERA-R 189C5; 36B) CZ25/1

This route enables loco-hauled trains running between the north of Praha and the east to avoid the need to reverse/run-round at Praha hl.n.

NJ457 Berlin - 00:36 Praha hl. n. - Graz
RJ427 Berlin - 10:35 Praha hl. n. - Graz
NJ456 Graz - 01:58 Pardubice hl. n. - Berlin
RJ256 Graz - 16:11 Pardubice hl. n. - Berlin

Velký Osek – Sány (výhybna Kanín)

[020] (ERA-E 92C5; ERA-R 191A2; 23) CZ25/2

There are two single-track routes between Velký Osek and the line eastwards towards Chlumec nad Cidlinou: one (1.6 km long) direct to the north-east, and the other a 4.2 km loop line initially heading south-east and then curving round due north. The hourly Praha - Nymburk - Chlumec - Hradec Králové and v.v. expresses use the loop line to avoid reversal at Velký Osek station. The 2-hourly through trains between Kolín and Chlumec use the direct curve. Click on the thumbnail for a full size map.

Nymburk město – Veleliby

[061/060] (ERA-E 92C5; ERA-R 191A2; 22) CZ25/3

The direct line is used by trains between Křinec and Nymburk město which are not booked to call intermediately at Nymburk hl.n.

D1 SSuO Sp1552 Turnov - 18:05 Křinec - Praha hl. n.
D1 SSuO Sp1551 Praha hl. n. - 09:38 Nymburk Město - Turnov

D1: SSuO 22 March - 28 October 2025

Česká Lípa avoiding line: Vlčí Důl-Dobranov (výh. Žizníkov) – Srní u České Lípy

[080, 086] (ERA-E 92B4; ERA-R 190C4; 09) CZ25/4

This curve links the Česká Lípa - Liberec and Česká Lípa - Bakov nad Jizerou lines.

E1 SSuO TLX1298 (Dresden Hbf) - Liberec – 10:45 Zákupy-Božíkov - Doksy
E1 SSuO TLX1299 Doksy – 16:55 Staré Splavy - Liberec - (Dresden Hbf)

E1: Runs SSuO 28 June to 31 August 2025. Operated by Die Landerbahn CZ with through portion from /to Dresden Hbf.

Praha Masarykovo avoiding curve: Praha-Bubny - Praha Masarykovo nádraží-Hrabovka - Praha Masarykovo nádraží-Sluncová - Praha-Libeň - Praha hlavní nádraží

[090/120] (ERA-E 92A2; ERA-R 189B5; 36A) CZ25/5

D1 Os9807 Rakovnik - 23:57 Praha-Bubny - Praha Hl n
D1 Os9848 00:30 Praha Hl n - Kladno Ostrovec

D1 From 2 August 2025

Services using this route reverse in the Praha-Libeň station area.

Postoloprty avoiding line: Březno u Postoloprt (odbočka Bažantnice) – Výškov v Čechách (odbočka Vrbka)

[114/123] (ERA-E 92B3; ERA-R 190A3; 19) CZ25/6

In September 2023, this east to north curve saw its first passenger use since 2007 with the addition of a Louny to Most service via this route calling at Louny střed and Louny město.

SSuX Sp1292 Louny - 06:40 Louny mĕsto - Most

Most-Kopisty station avoiding line via Most nové nádraží odjezd - Most nové nádraží příjezd - Most nové [- Most-Minerva]

[135] (ERA-E 92B3; ERA-R 190A3; not shown on either; 07A) CZ25/7

Most-Kopisty station lies on a single track route on the north east side of a locomotive depot and two Most - Moldava v Krušných horách train pairs operated by ČD, a.s. are shown with the symbol to take an alternative route avoiding this station. That is a 1.6km line to the west of the locomotive depot and if taken would avoid trains going in the opposite direction calling at Most-Kopisty which could be ČD or Die Länderbahn CZ s.r.o services.

In 2022 the relevant services were SSuX and two attempts on a Thursday and Friday in early June 2022 failed as the then 16:42 and 06:42 waited for the southbound train to clear the normal route which they then took, and this scenario happened again on a July 2024 report for Os28606. However in 2023, Os26805 and Os26806 although clearly indicated in the timetable as diverting did not clash with a service in the opposite direction and 28605 on 23 April 2023 unsurprisingly ran via Most-Kopisty. Further reports would be appreciated by the Compilers.

D1 Os26800 06:41 Most - Moldava v Krusných horách
D1 Os26806 16:41 Most - Moldava v Krusných horách
D1 Os26805 Moldava v Krusných horách - 16:00 Litvínov město - Most
D1 Os26807 Moldava v Krusných horách - 19:00 Litvínov město - Most

D1: Runs SSuO. Additionally, M-F 23 December 2024 to 3 January 2025, 31 January, 10 to 28 February, 10 to 14 March, 17 April, 31 May to 5 October, 27 to 29 October 2025

Click on the thumbnail for a full size map.

Chodov avoiding line: Karlovy Vary-Dvory (Chodov zhlavi) – Nové Sedlo u Lokte

[140] (ERA-E 92B1-92B2; ERA-R 189B2; 16) CZ25/8

This line bypasses Chodov station on the south side and the following trains using it are recognisable in the timetable by the vertical wavy line marking against Chodov.

IC503 05:50 Karlovy Vary - Ostrava hl.n.
E1 Sp1678 10:10 Karlovy Vary – Cheb
SSuO Os20832 Karlovy Vary dolni n. - 12:11 Karlovy Vary – Plauen (Vogtl) ob Bf [DB]
SSuO Os20836 Karlovy Vary dolni n. - 18:13 Karlovy Vary – Mehltheuer [DB]
E1 Sp1679 Cheb – 09:28 Sokolov – Karlovy Vary
SSuO Os20811 Zwickau (Sachs) Hbf [DB] - 11:27 Sokolov - Karlovy Vary dolni n.
SSuO Os20823 Zwickau (Sachs) Hbf [DB] - 17:27 Sokolov - Karlovy Vary dolni n.
IC504 Ostrava hl.n. - 21:54 Sokolov - Karlovy Vary

E1: SSuO 7 June to 21 September 2025

(Praha-Radotin -) odb Závodiště - Praha Krč

[170] (ERA-E 92A1-92A2; ERA-R 189B4-189B5; 36A) CZ25/9

From 15 December 2024 this previously freight/diversionary route is being used regularly by fast trains between Praha hl.n. and Plzeň hl.n. Trains routed this way can be identified by a vertical wavy line marking against Praha-Smíchov. The temporary routing will last for around two years while Praha Smíchov and the river bridge / viaduct at Praha Vyšehrad are rebuilt.

Click on the thumbnail for a full size map.

Note the substantial grade separated junction north of Praha-Velká Chuchle station.

Přerov avoiding line: Rokytnice u Přerova (výhybna Dluhonice) – Prosenice

[280] (ERA-E 95A3; ERA-R 197C5; 61) CZ25/10

This west to north curve is used by all trains between Olomouc and Hranice na Moravě which are not scheduled to call at Přerov, indicated by a vertical wavy line marking against this station. Note that there are separate alignments for eastbound and westbound services with the former using the flyover to join the track towards Hranice na Moravě.

Hranice na Moravě - Drahotuše via low level line

[280] (ERA-E 95A4 (not shown); ERA-R 198A5 (not shown); 61/62) CZ25/11

The flyover east of Drahotuše dates from when this was the changeover point between left and right hand running on this line. Most trains now use the double track flyover but a few are believed to use the original low level line. These can not be identified from the SŽ network timetable, however the web site shows an additional timing point between Hranice na Moravě and Drahotuše at "hr.DU 18912A/1891EA" for some services listed below, suggesting a different routing. Further reports would be appreciated by the Compilers.

EC 222 Žilina - 07:30 Hranice na Moravě - Praha hl.n.
EC 220 Žilina - 09:30 Hranice na Moravě - Praha hl.n.
Os 3215 Přerov - 10:47 Drahotuše - Vsetín
EC 128 Púchov - 11:30 Hranice na Moravě - Praha hl.n.
Os 3219 Přerov - 13:47 Drahotuše - Vsetín
EC 124 Púchov - 17:30 Hranice na Moravě - Praha hl.n.
EC 122 Púchov - 15:30 Hranice na Moravě - Praha hl.n.
EC 120 Púchov - 19:30 Hranice na Moravě - Praha hl.n.
OS 3339 Přerov - 19:50 Drahotuše - Hranice na Moravě

Bludov avoiding line: Postřelmov (odbočka Sudkov) – Bludov lázně (odbočka Chromeč)

[291, 292] (ERA-E 94C3; ERA-R 192B1; 42) CZ25/12

This curve is used by trains between Zábřeh na Moravě and Hanušovice which are not scheduled to call at Bludov. These trains are recognisable in the timetable by the vertical wavy line marking against Bludov.

Brno-Židenice – Brno-Slatina (odbočka Slatinská)

[300, 340] (ERA-E 95B2; ERA-R 198C2; 79A) CZ25/13

Until 14 December 2019 all trains between Brno hl.n. and the Veselí nad Moravou line ran via this route, involving reversal at Brno-Židenice due to the temporary closure of the route via Brno-Černovice. In the current timetable, trains using this route are recognisable in Table 340 by timing against Brno-Židenice and a vertical wavy line against Brno-Černovice.

Click on the thumbnail for a full size map.

Obscure services: Lines used on an occasional basis

Ústí nad Labem avoiding line: Ústí nad Labem Jih. – Ústí nad Labem západ

[090,130] (ERA-E 92B3; ERA-R 190B4 (not shown on either); 8A) CZ25/21

This curve connects the Praha and Most lines. The only train (SP1656 15:22 SSuX Lovosice - Ústí nad Labem západ) was withdrawn at the December 2019 timetable change and there have been no regular timetabled services since.

From June 1 to July 28 2021, due to engineering work between Ústí nad Labem hlavní nádraží and Ústí nad Labem západ, the 2-hourly "Krušnohor" trains (numbers R60?, R61?) were diverted via this curve, running non-stop between Praha and Ústí nad Labem západ.

Praha-Zahradní Město - Praha-Krč

[210] (ERA-E 92A2; ERA-R 189C5-189B4; 36B) CZ25/22

This normally freight-only line is used as a diversionary route when the line between Praha-Krč and Praha-Vršovice / Praha hl.n. is affected by engineering work. Prior to the opening of Praha-Zahradní Město in September 2021 diverted trains would normally continue via Praha-Malešice and Praha-Libeň, however termination of services at Praha-Zahradní Město is now an option and which was used during works between 30 April and 5 June 2024.

Click on the thumbnail for a full size map.

(Pardubice -) Břevnice (odbočka Kubešův Mlýn) – Havlíčkův Brod (HB St. Tunel)

[238] (ERA-E 91A1,not shown, ERA-R 196B5; 56) CZ25/23

Havlíčkův Brod is a V-shaped station: platforms 1 - 4 serve the main (Praha -) Kolin - Brno line and platform 5, at an angle, is the shorter and usual route to/from odb. Kubešův Mlýn (- Pardubice). Drivers normally change ends after arrival at Havlíčkův Brod platform 5 and return via the same route so do not run via the Brno line as a "balloon loop". The rare route to/from the Pardubice line (table 238) is a 400m connection between HB St. Tunel on the Pardubice - Havlíčkův Brod line and odbočka Kubešův Mlýn. Click on the thumbnail for a full size map.

While it is not possible to tell from the SŽ network timetable nor on-line Departure sheets which route or platform trains to/from the Pardubice line will use, any trains scheduled to operate via the rare route would be expected to have a timing point at "Havl.Brod-Tunel" which could be seen in the web site. Any table 238 services booked to use platforms 1 - 4 would be certain to run via HB St. Tunel. The compilers would greatly appreciate information of any such services using 1 - 4 as they are not shown on the Platform departure sheets.

This route was used between March and December 2021 by all trains on this line when the normal route via the northern curve was unavailable due to engineering works. Informed sources suggest none were scheduled in 2022/23.

Brno Area

There are a number of obscure routes in the area around the city. There is also a large marshalling yard north of Brno, at Maloměřice, with non-passenger connections which see occasional use.

Click on the thumbnail for a full size map.


Brno dolní nádraží – Brno-Horní Heršpice odb. St. Silnice

[240/244] (ERA-E 95B2 not shown; ERA-R 198C2; 79A) CZ25/24

Normally a freight-only route crossing the Brno - Břeclav main line on a flyover but it may be used as a diversionary route and alternative to Brno hl.n. when there is disruption in the area. This was in regular passenger use between 9 January and 9 December 2023 following damage to the viaduct over the Svratka River south of Brno hl.n. which led to one of the four tracks in that area being taken out of use. No recorded use during the 2023-2024 timetable period.

Brno freight avoiding line: Brno-Horní Heršpice – Brno dolní nádraží – odb. Táborská – Brno-Židenice

[250/251/260] (ERA-E 95B2; ERA-R 198C2, 79A) CZ25/25

In early 2025 there is a reduced service between Brno hl.n. and Brno-Židenice Due to engineering work, with limited diversions from the north. Previously used in total by engineering diversions between 09 December 2018 and 14 December 2019 while Brno hl.n was closed as a through station and in use between Saturday July 4 and August 2 2020 due to work between Brno hl.n. and Brno-Židenice. The 2019-2020 timetable contained just two trains and these continued in the 2020-2021 timetable. No recorded use during the 2023-2024 timetable period.

D1 SSuX R979 Praha Hl n - 13:47 Brno-Židenice - Brno dolní nádraží
D1 SSuX R981 Praha Hl n - 15:47 Brno-Židenice - Brno dolní nádraží

D1 2 January - 30 April 2025 Note these do NOT run beyond Brno-Židenice to Brno-Horní Heršpice.

Bílovice nad Svitavou (odb. Hady) – Brno Maloměřice Yard – Brno-Židenice

[260] (ERA-E 95B2 not shown; ERA-R 198C2 not shown; 79A) CZ25/26

Access to/egress from the north end of Maloměřice Yard from/to the Praha - Česká Třebová - Skalice nad Svitavou - Brno line is provided by two connections from odb. Hady, one on the north side of the main line and one on the south side. Several routes are possible through Maloměřice Yard. This route was used in the 2017-2018 Timetable period by Os4051 Blansko - 15:57 Bílovice nad Svitavou - Brno-Židenice which was allowed 8 min from Bílovice nad Svitavou to Brno-Židenice, as opposed to the 5 or 6 min allowed for all other trains, and was the only train to terminate at Brno-Židenice, so it seems probable that this was the booked route. However, there are no similar trains in the 2024-2025 timetable. A connection from the Havlíčkův Brod - Tišnov - Brno line into Maloměřice Yard is available at odb. Brno-Obřany. Both routes have been used in the past (e.g. June - August 2015) when there has been an engineering blockade.

Česká Třebová Area

There is a large marshalling yard south of Česká Třebová station, with a number of non-passenger connections.

Click on the thumbnail for a full size map.

Česká Třebová yard staff train

[260, 270] (ERA-E 94C2 not shown; ERA-R 192A1; 83A) CZ25/27

An unadvertised service has been observed in recent years leaving at approximately 14:00 from a short concrete platform, one track further over from the last public platform at Česká Třebová station. It turns off the main line about 200 m south of the station and follows what are shown as lines 91 or 93 in the Malkus Atlas Drah - west of the locomotive depot, where there is a stop. It continues past the roundhouse and turntable and terminates at a platform opposite what is probably the hump control tower. This is clearly an “end of shift” service as it is lightly loaded leaving Česká Třebová but very busy on the return working. The service is not intended for public use, so access may be refused. The compilers would appreciate information on this or any other such services that may run at other shift change times.

This route has also been used in recent years by special shuttle services that run to the yards when there is an open day at the depot. An Open Day was held on 16 September 2023 when these shuttle services were scheduled to run. A similar Open Day was scheduled in September 2024 but was cancelled due to severe weather.

Česká Třebová goods lines

[260, 270] (ERA-E 94C2 not shown; ERA-R 192A1; 83A) CZ25/28

Steam specials originating at Česká Třebová sometimes run via the goods lines, although this is not always obvious from the advance information. Prospective patrons should enquire further. Use of the following routes has been reported:

  • [A] (Ústí nad Orlicí -) odb. Parnik - line 100 - 180° curve - marshalling yard - Česká Třebová
  • [B] Česká Třebová - line 200 - odb. Les - odb. Zádulka (- Brno)
  • [C] Česká Třebová - line 200 - odb. Les - 180° curve - Třebovice v Čechách (- Olomouc)
  • [D] (Olomouc -) Třebovice v Čechách - Vjezdová kolej od Olomouce - marshalling yard - Česká Třebová

The 2021 specials returned to Česká Třebová via the Metrans a.s. Container Terminal, off Line 200.

The route is also occasionally used for diversions when engineering work is taking place around the Česká Třebová station area. There were several such advertised diversions between February and May 2023.

Bohumín Area

Click on the thumbnail for a full size map.

Bohumín Přednádraží Goods lines

[271] (ERA-E 95A5 not shown; ERA-R 193B2 not shown; 46 as line 305A) CZ25/29

This is a 1.4km alternative route between Ostrava Vrbice and Bohumín via Bohumín Přednádraží. This line can only be used by trains arriving or departing from Bohumín platforms/track 3/3, 4/5 and 4/9, but note it is also possible to access these platforms to/from the main line. A train number search on a Czech "Real Times Trains" will find some services allowed additional running time [at least 3m 30s] between Bohumín-Vrbice and Bohumín so possibly could use this line if scheduled to/from the above platforms, [arrivals thought to be more likely], but this is far from guaranteed. For example 12:43 and 11:28 departures from platform 4/5 on 31 May 2023 and 15 June 2024 both crossed to the main line.

Additionally EC130 has been observed twice taking this route, with the sightings several months apart but as it is not booked to take over 3m 30s it is suspected, this and any other use is subject to train punctuality so the compilers would welcome further observations

EC130 Budapest Nyugati- 14:05 Ostrava hlavní nádraží - Warszawa Wschodnia

Hodonín ČD - Holíč nad Moravou ŽSR

[Ex ČD 332/Ex ŽSR 115] (ERA-E 95C3; ERA-R 197C2; 88 ČD section only) CZ25/30

This electrified single track cross border line closed to passengers at the December 2004 timetable change but is used by freight services and as a diversionary passenger route, fairly regularly in recent years due to upgrade work taking place on the main line between Břeclav and Kúty (SK). Details of diversions are posted on the ČD or ŽSSK engineering work listings.

Obscure services: Lines used by leisure / enthusiast services

Vojkovice nad Ohří – Kyselka (water bottling museum)

[140/142](ERA-E 92B2; ERA-R 189C2; 17) CZ25/41

This 9km branch had a summer Saturday train for several years until 2019, the "Mattoni Express", running between Karlovy Vary dolní nádraží and Kyselka with connection from Karlovy Vary. This is in connection with "the Mattoni mineral water bottling museum". In 2019 trains left Karlovy Vary at 09:30 and Kyselka at 13:00. The service has not run since 2020, possibly due to Covid restrictions.

The 2019 details were on the CD website at CD Mattoni expresem do Kyselky and may appear at a similar location in future.

(Lužná u Rakovníka –) Krupá – Kolešovice (occasional nostalgia train)

[125] (ERA-E 92C3; ERA-R 190A2; 19) CZ25/42

This line closed to regular services in 2006. It used to see regular steam excursions on summer weekends operated by the ČD Museum at Lužná, although these ceased at the start of the 2022 season due to withdrawal of subsidy from the Středočeský region. The line does however remain open and occasional excursions still operate.

The ČD Museum ran excursions on 16 April, 11&12 May, 7 July and 4 August 2024 – refer to the 2025 calendar of events on the ČD Nostalgie website.

Kladno Dubi - důl Mayrau (mining museum)

[ ] (ERA-E 92C3; ERA-R 189A5 (not shown on either); 19B) CZ25/43

Occasional excursions over this freight line to the railway/coal mining museum at důl Mayrau have been operated in recent years by KDS Kladno and Valenta Rail. A renovation project began at the museum site in early 2024 which included reconstruction of the rail link so no trips were advertised during 2024, check their websites for their programmes.

Beroun - Čertovy schody (quarry complex)

[ ] (ERA-E 92C3; ERA-R 190B1 (not shown on either); 35) CZ25/44

Occasional excursions over this 7.3km freight line to the quarry complex at Čertovy schody have been operated in recent years by KDS Kladno and Valenta Rail, check their websites for details of their programmes. Valenta Rail advertised trips on 20 July and 10 August 2024, see their website for thris 2025 programme.

Nučice - Lomy Mořina / Velke Amerika (quarry complex)

[ ] (ERA-E 92C4; ERA-R 190B1; 35) CZ25/45

Excursions over this 13.8km freight line to quarries at Lomy Mořina and Velke Amerika, now tourist attractions, are operated by the company formerly known as KDS Kladno. Around 10 dates were advertised for 2024, approximately monthly, check their website at event-zazitkovyvlak for information about trips in 2025.

Strančice – Velké Popovice (Kozel Brewery)

(ERA-E 92C4; ERA-R 189C4; 36) CZ25/46

This 5.1km branch runs to the Kozel brewery at Velké Popovice. A train runs on odd Festival dates plus Saturdays from June to September between Praha hl.n. and the brewery. The branch is very steeply graded and serves some factories but there is no rail traffic to the brewery. The train stops at a platform just before the site gate from where a brisk 10 minute walk down an earth path and road leads to the Brewery main entrance.

See the Kozel website for further information regarding regular summer Saturday services. As at the end of May 2024 the webpage stated a departure time of 10:20 from Praha hl. n. but dates of operation were not shown and the linked retail website was not advertising any tickets. As at April 2023 a no. 461 bus departed from the nearby bus stop at 12:56, arriving in Strančice at 13:18, enabling an early escape if required. Check their website for details of trips in 2025.

Děčín-Prostřední Žleb - Děčín východ dolní nádraží – Děčín přístav Loubí (annual pump trolley championship)

(ERA-E 92A4; ERA-R 190B4 (Quay Branch not shown on either); 8A) CZ25/47

This freight line and 3.3km freight branch has received a passenger service, operated by KŽC Doprava, s.r.o., annually in connection with the Czech Republic International Championship of Pump Trolley Racing. This event is held on the Czech-Saxon Harbour Company (Česko-saské přístavy, s.r.o.) River Labe quay sidings at Děčín-Loubí and in 2024 was on 24 August. The competition is usually limited to 10 teams competing over a 1.67km length siding for 10km's.

Click on the thumbnail for a full size map.

Rumburk – Ebersbach [DB] (occasional excursion)

[088] (ERA-E 92-A4; ERA-R 190C5, 02) CZ25/48

This cross-border line closed to regular passenger services at the end of 2010. In recent years occasional services have been operated by OSEF and LDC. Check websites for details.

Liberec (odb. UPD) – Aquapark Babylon

[086] (ERA-E 92A5 not shown; ERA-R 191A4, not shown; 01) CZ25/49

This branch runs from the SW apex of the triangle at Liberec-Rochlice in a northerly direction, paralleling the line to Liberec station, but on the opposite (east) side of the E442 motorway to the DPML tram depot, slightly beyond Aquapark Babylon. In previous years KŽC Doprava have operated a Česká Kamenice - Liberec - Aquapark Babylon train pair (marketed as Lužický Motoráček) on Summer Saturdays. This was not shown in the timetable except as a footnote to Trains Sp1280/1281 in table 086 saying that the train continues to or comes from the siding of the Aquapark Babylon and DPM Liberec". The service was cancelled in 2020, initially due to Covid restrictions then withdrawal of financial support, but may restart in the future - refer to the KŽC Doprava website.

Click on the thumbnail for a full size map.

Čáslav – voj. letiště Chotusice (biennial air show)

(ERA-E 92C5; ERA-R 191B1; 38) CZ25/50

A 4.7km long branch runs northwards from the Třemošnice branch platform at Čáslav to serve Chotusice air base, home of the 21. základna taktického letectva (21st Tactical Air Force Base). There is a shuttle service when there is an air show at the base to a covered platform on the base perimeter adjacent to a 3km post, 3.3km from the Třemošnice branch platforms.

A shuttle service ran to the 2023 Open Day on 20 May, with departures every 40 minutes or so. This event normally takes place every two years so the next open day can be expected in May 2025.

Ostrava Mining Area (summer weekend tours)

(ERA-E 95A5; ERE-R 193-C2; 47A/B) CZ25/51

The Silesian Railway Association (Slezský železniční spolek) operate two tourist services visiting the Ostrava mines complex on weekends throughout the summer: 1) From Cieszyn and Český Těšín via Doubrava to Ostrava Josefova jáma (for day-trippers to the adjacent Zoological/Botanical Park) and Ostrava-střed (outbound only, the late afternoon return working starting at Ostrava Josefova jáma reported as running direct from Ostrava-střed to Český Těšín via Havířov); 2) Anti-clockwise circular trip on Saturdays from Ostrava-střed via Havířov to Prostřední Suchá, ČSM sever, Doubrava and back to Ostrava-střed, clockwise on Sundays starting from Havířov and covering the same track. Trains operated during 2024 from 15 June to 22 September 2024, see their website at Slezský železniční spolek for details of their 2025 programme.

A report from June 2024 stated it used a PKP Cargo 740 diesel and the route (on a Sunday) from Havířov was Ostrava-střed (rr) - Důl Michal (ps) - Důl Žofie (ps) - Karviná-Doly - Důl ČSM sever (rr) - Karviná-Doly - Důl Barbora (ps) - Havířov, all except the stretch between Havířov and Ostrava-střed being freight track.

A schematic track map for the area (dated 2018) can be found on the website of PKPCargo, the infrastructure manager, at PKPCargo

Brno Svitavy Embankment (annual festival)

[ ] (ERA-E 95B2; ERA-R 198C2 (not shown on either); 75) CZ25/52

A 1km length of the freight track on the west back of the Svitavy river is used during the annual "Překročme řeku" Festival that aims to bring together places and communities on both sides of the river. The 2025 festival is scheduled to take place on 16 August - see.


See Czech Republic - Tram services over obscure routes

Other sparse services

The following lines have few trains (relative to service levels generally in this country) - fewer than five trains each way on at least three days a week - or do not run each weekday. Only particularly sparse services are specifically listed below:

017 Moravská Třebová - Chornice – Dzbel Four train pairs SO, three train pairs SuO
021 Rychnov nad Kněžnou – Solnice Three SuX train pairs and one SuO train pair
024 Dolni Lipka – Hanušovice Three train pairs daily plus three trains pairs SSuO between 18 April and 28 September 2025
026 Opočno pod Orlickými horami – Dobruška Two SSuX train pairs which do not run 23 December 2024 to 3 January 2025 and 30 June to 29 August 2025
027 Meziměstí – Walbrzych Główny (Poland) Two SSuO train pairs between 19 April and 28 September 2025, operated by GW Train Regio a.s.
037 Nové Město pod Smrkem – Jindřichovice pod Smrkem Two daily train pairs, one SSuX train pair and four SSuO train pairs
042 Jablonec Nad Jizerou – Rokytnice nad Jizerou 1 return journey SSuO, plus historic train service of three return services on four weekends in July and August 2025 using a train from the Martinice v Krkonoších railway museum
043 (Trutnov -) Libeč - Královec (– Lubawka (Poland)) 2 train pairs daily throughout plus two pairs daily 19 April to 28 September 2025. Service operated by GW Train Regio
063 Dolní Bousov – Kopidlno Reopened in 2025, three train pairs operating daily in July and August and on Saturdays / Sundays from April to June and September to October. See the AŽD website.
064 Mladějov v Čechách – Libuň – Lomnice nad Popelkou A complex mix of SSuX and SSuO services running between 26 April and 28 September 2025
076 Mělník - Mšeno - Mladá Boleslav A complex service pattern with three or four pairs of trains SSuO throughout the year and some additional FSSuO services between 22 March and 4 October 2025, with many (eastbound in particular) starting or finishing at Mšeno
082 (Benešov nad Ploučnicí -) Česká Kamenice - Kamenický Šenov Five train pairs daily 31 May to 5 October plus Saturdays/Sundays 29 March to 25 May and 11 October to 2 November 2025. Operated by KŽC doprava, see "Kamenicky motoracek"
084 Rumburk / Krásná Lípa – Panský - Mikulášovice Four train pairs Rumburk – Panský - Mikulášovice and two train pairs Krásná Lípa – Panský - Mikulášovice SSuO 29 March to 2 November 2025, plus KŽC Doprava pair "Lužickohorský rychlík" Krásná Lípa – Panský - Mikulášovice SSuO 22 March to 28 October 2025
085 Rybniště – Varnsdorf Four train pairs M-F throughout the year plus six SSuO between 29 March and 2 November 2025
096 Libochovice – Bříza obec Two train pairs SSuO 29 March to 2 November 2025. Operated by KŽC Doprava, s.r.o. See "Podřipský motoráček"
097 Lovosice – Chotiměř SSuO 21 December 2024 to 5 January 2025 and 29 March to 2 November 2025, operated by AŽD Praha. Line remains bus operated between Chotiměř and Radejčín
110 (Kralupy nad Vltavou -) Slaný - Louny Four train pairs daily throughout the year
121 (Hostivice -) Středokluky - Noutonice – Podlešín Two train pairs along entire length of line SSuO, plus additional services between (Hostivice) Středokluky and Noutonice (one daily, three M-F, one SSuO)
132 Děčín hl.n. - Telnice - Jeníkov-Oldřichov Four train pairs SSuO 29 March to 2 November 2025. A similar service was advertised at the start of the 2024 season but the section from Telnice to Jeníkov-Oldřichov remained unavailable due to ongoing track repairs and it is not known if/when these will be completed. Operated by KŽC Doprava, see "Podkrušnohorský motoráček"
135 (Most –) Osek město – Moldava v Krušných horách Six train pairs SSuO. Additionally, four dated train pairs M-F 23 December 2024 to 3 January 2025, 31 January, 10 to 28 February, 10 to 14 March, 17 April, 31 May to 5 October, 27 to 29 October 2025
137 Chomutov – Vejprty - Cranzahl (DE) Three train pairs SSuO 29 March to 2 November 2025, operated by Die Länderbahn CZ. The initial version of the SŽ timetable does not show any trains between Vejprty and Cranzahl, however the DB timetable (Table 517) states that these timings will be published at a later date.
141 Dalovice – Merklin Four train pairs daily
144 Chodov – Nová Role Two train pairs SSuX
148 Aš mesto – Hranice v Cechách One train pair daily plus a second train pair SSuO 14 June to 31 August 2025
149 Krásný Jez – Horní Slavkov-Kounice Five train pairs SSuO 10 May to 31 August 2025
162 Rakovník – Kralovice u Rakovníka Five train pairs SSuO and one train pair FO operated by Die Länderbahn CZ, plus train pair originating in Praha on five dates operated by KŽC Doprava (see "Kralovický rychlík").
164 Kadaň - Vilémov u Kadaně - Podbořany, Vilémov u Kadaně – Kadaňský Rohozec. SSuO 29 March to 02 November 2025. Four trains from Kadaň variously visiting the branch to Kadaňský Rohozec and the line to Podbořany. Trains operated by Railway Capital, see Jízdní řády / Doupovská dráha
186 Svojšín – Bor One pair SO 17 May to 11 October 2025. "Český les" tourist train operated by GW Train Regio a.s. on behalf of Plzeň region
204 Březnice - Rožmitál pod Třemšínem Four train pairs SSuO 26 April to 28 September 2025
222 Vlašim – Trhový Štěpánov A services of four train pairs ran on SSuO from 11 May to 13 October 2024, operated by Railway Capital a.s. and supported financially by the city of Trhový Štěpánov. As at December 2024 no service had been announced for the 2025 season, but according to a post on the Railway Capital Facebook page negotiations are ongoing. See Jízdní řády / Vlašimka
233 Čelákovice – Mochov One train pair SO on 19 April 2025 only. Operated by KŽC Doprava s.r.o. See "Mochovský motoráček"
243 Moravské Budějovice – Jemnice Three pairs SO and four pairs SuO on most weekends from 19 July to 22 December 2025. See Capital Jízdní řády / Jemnická dráha
244 Bohutice – Hrušovany nad Jevišovkou-Šanov Theee southbound and four northbound services SSuX plus two dated train pairs around holiday weekends
253 (Břeclav -) Boří Les - Lednice Four train pairs SSuO 1 May - 28 September 2025. Heritage train service
255 Hodonín - Kobylí na Moravě The initial version of the timetable shows three pairs of trains running on 31 December 2024 only.
261 Pustá Kamenice – Žd'árec u Skutče Four SSuX train pairs and five weekend only train pairs, some dated
271 (Veřovice -) Skotnice - Mošnov, Ostrava Airport Service reinstated for 2024/2025, two train pairs all year plus five more pairs between mid-June and end of September 2025
276 (Suchdol nad Odrou -) Vítkov - Budišov nad Budišovkou Two daily, two SSuX and four SSuO train pairs plus a dated FO service
291 Petrov nad Desnou - Sobotin One SSuX train pair, plus five SSuO train pairs
304 Kojetín - Tovačov Five train pairs SO 28 June to 30 August 2025, also 1 May, 8 May and 17 August. Operated by Railway Capital a.s. See Jízdní řády / Tovačovka]
307 Litovel Předměstí – Mladeč (formerly T308) Three train pairs SSuO 5 April to 28 October 2025
312 Bruntál - Malá Morávka Five train pairs SSuO 5 July to 21 September 2025. Operated by MBM rail s.r.o.
314 (Opava východ -) Kylešovice - Svobodné Heřmanice Four train pairs SSuO 24 May to 28 September 2025. See Capital Jízdní řády / Hvozdnický expres
318 (formerly 292) Jeseník - Mikulovice - Głuchołazy (Poland) - Jindřichov ve Slezsku Four train pairs daily, plus two SSuO pairs between Jeseník and Mikulovice (through to/from Zlaté Hory)
318 (formerly 292) Mikulovice - Zlaté Hory Four SSuO train pairs plus one pair SSuO 28 June to 31 August 2025
319 (formerly 298) Třemešná ve Slezsku - Osoblaha One train pair SO 28 June to 20 July and 30 August to 20 September, SSuO 5 July to 24 August 2025. Service is dependent upon flood damage repairs being completed.
340 Kunovice zastávka - Kunovice South to East side of triangle at Kunovice. One service daily South to East, three daily plus one SSuO and one dated SuO services East to South.
341 Bylnice - Vlárský prusmyk - Horné Srnie (Slovakia) One train pair between Bylnice and Vlárský prusmyk FSSuO with some date exceptions and with connection available on most FSuO to Horné Srnie, plus one pair between Bylnice and Vlárský prusmyk SO.

Deletions since the previous edition

CZ24/9 (Brno hl.n. - ) Křenovice horní n. – Holubice This line now has a frequent service on Mondays to Fridays
CZ24/14 Bohumín avoiding line: [Ostrava– ] Bohumín-Vrbice – Chałupki (odb.Pudlov) No advertised services via this route in 2024/25 timetable
024 Moravský Karlov - Mlýnický Dvůr Service withdrawn from 15 December 2024
144 Loket - Loket Předměstí Service withdrawn from 15 December 2024

See also