Border Crossings: Czech Republic - Poland

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(Liberec -) Hrádek nad Nisou ČD - Zittau DB

[D] Used by ČD Corridor Trains between Liberec and Zittau, this line actually passes through a short stretch of Poland (without stations) before reaching Germany.

Černousy ČD - Zawidów PKP

[D] The previously reported staff trains between Cernousy and Zawidów have ceased. ČD works freight trains to Zawidów. The Liberec Region would like to commence regular passenger services to Zawidów and an early February 2024 Press Release article advised a test working has taken place, and negotiations are ongoing with the relevant Polish parties with an aim to commence at the end of April 2024...

Harrachov ČD - Jakuszyce PKP (- Szklarska Poręba Górna)

[D] Passenger services are worked by ČD DMU's. After a decades long closure, the line re-opened using Czech based Viamont Railcars on 28 August 2010. This ceased from 1 October 2012 until 16 November 2013 for engineering work, then ran for just 10 days until closed for urgent bridge repairs at Piechowice before reopening on 13 January 2014! Through services from Liberec to Szklarska Poręba Górna operated by ČD were introduced on 12 December 2015 and resumed after a pandemic suspension. There is no freight traffic and to note that connections at Szklarska Poręba Górna are NOT maintained.

(Trutnov -) Kralovec ČD - Lubawka PKP (- Sędzisław)

[D] From 10 March 2024 there will be two daily pairs from Sędzisław to/from Trutnov, following a daily pair from 2021/22 up to a maximum of 4 pairs late April to late September, with additional services Sędzisław - cross border to Kralovec ČD.

Passenger services had restarted on this route on 5 July 2008, running Summer Saturdays and Sundays between Trutnov, Lubawka and Jelenia Góra operated by Czech Company Viamont but using new PKP DMUs. It was suddenly withdrawn in October 2008 as the Polish Regional Authority who subsidised the purchase of the DMUs objected to them operating services into the Czech Republic, but this was resolved and services resumed and operated at weekends each Summer until September 2019. In 2019 the service was operated jointly by Koleje Dolnośląskie and Czech Company GW Train Regio using a GW Train Regio DMU but timings did not appear in the ČD Journey planner, only in the IDOS all country bus and train website...

In 2019/20 the summer PKP on-line PDF showed three pairs from Sędzisław to/from Trutnov but only from 1 July to 29 September 2020, plus PKP ran 7 pairs daily cross border from Sędzisław to Kralovec but with no onwards service in the Czech Republic except for the one through pair to/from Trutnov at weekends. After a Covid closure this pattern was repeated from summer 2021. There is no freight traffic via this crossing.

Meziměstí ČD - Mieroszów PKP

[D] PKP works to Meziměsti. A seasonal passenger service resumed on 3 April 2018 operated by Polish local operator Koleje Dolnośląskie (KD), with Czech private operator GW Train Regio responsible for operation in the Czech Republic, and this continues with two pairs SSuO 19 April - 28 September 2025. The cross border passenger service had been withdrawn on 13 December 2003, reinstated on 5 January 2004 and withdrawn again on 31 March 2004. Freight traffic subsequently reduced to the point that from 6 April 2013 this line was only opened on Tuesdays between 07.00 and 15.00. But between 1 September and 12 December 2015 the line was open continuously as the two nearby alternative border crossings at Lichkov ČD and Zawidow PKP were simultaneously closed for repairs...

Lichkov ČD - Miedzylesie PKP

[E] A through Praha - Gdynia passenger service operated by PKP commenced running via this border crossing from 15 December 2024. Following completion of electrification, PKP had worked through Praha - Wroclaw express services to Letohrad but these had been withdrawn by 2016 leaving just PKP PR all station local EMU services to stations short of Praha. In 2019 Leo Express re-commenced a limited through Praha to Wroclaw but this did not resume after the pandemic, so from 2020 the service was Wroclaw to Lichkov using Koleje Dolnośląskie EMU's but operated [cross border] by Leo Express. It is believed ČD works freight to/from Miedzylesie where locomotive swaps if needed take place.

Mikulovice ČD - Głuchołazy PKP

[D] ČD Table 292 trains on the Mikulovice - Jindřichov ve Slezsku route (this item and the next) reverse at Głuchołazy station in Poland [and call since 19 December 2006] despite Press comment in 2020 suggesting this remains a "Corridor" route under the terms of a 12 November 1948 Convention. The article went on that this service is therefore not cross-border transport as per EU regulations and even suggested stops in the transit country are technically not permitted, not the least because the rolling stock used is exempted from permits and certification in Poland.

Some maps, including some from ČD and [now out of print] PKP Quail show a curve avoiding Głuchołazy but this has never existed. Even though PKP ran a limited through service to Jesenik for a short period, they consider these lines "serve no useful purpose for PKP" and in the past tried to transfer maintenance responsibility or sell the line to ČD, but there have been no recent attempts so this is not thought to be under threat at present. Also note these "Corridor" services do not appear in the Polish timetable.

Jindřichov ve Slezsku ČD - Głuchołazy PKP

[D] see preceding item.

Krnov ČD - Pietrowice PKP (- Głubczyce)

Line closed and lifted after World War II.

Chuchelná ČD - Krzanowice PKP

Line closed and lifted after World War II.

Bohumín/Bohumín-Vrbice ČD - Chałupki PKP

[E] PKP works passenger services to Bohumín or Ostrava, ČD/PKP freight locos exchange on both sides of the Border.

The service was withdrawn on 13 December 2003, reinstated 11 December 2005 and withdrawn again on 15 December 2013. Re-opening with use by EC's was delayed until 18 January 2016 from the planned 13 December 2015 and this now includes use of the Bohumin avoiding curve.

Petrovice u Karviné ČD - Zebrzydowice PKP

[E] PKP work passenger services to Bohumin. ČD/PKP Freight locomotive exchange takes place at both Petrovice u Karviné and Zebrzydowice.

This border crossing re-opened to passengers from 11 December 2022. Use had vastly reduced in Spring 2020, then ceased later that year due to major engineering work in the Czechowice-Dziedzice area with all services diverted to other border crossings.

Český Těšín ČD - Cieszyn PKP

[E] The current passenger service is worked by ČD DMU's terminating at Cieszyn. Freight is believed worked cross border by both ČD & PKP.

The PKP EMU operated passenger services were withdrawn from the start of the 2009/2010 timetable, then reinstated using ČD diesel units from 13 December 2015. After an initial pandemic related but three year suspension, the ČD operated service resumed from 1 August 2022.

Jindřichovice pod Smrkem ČD - Pobiedna [- Mirsk] PKP

Cross Border use ended and the line dismantled in 1945, with PKP internal freight to Pobiedna continuing until June 1987. Councils on the Czech side were keen to see this 9km gap from Jindřichovice pod Smrkem to Mirsk re-open with support from local Polish Councils, heightened since Mirsk regained a passenger service as an intermediate station when Gryfów Śląski to Świeradów Zdrój reopened in December 2023. See a February 2024 press article on re-opening prospects but after reviewing data from a commissioned survey re the expected number of passengers, economic costs and benefits, a planned signing of a Co-operation Memorandum in March 2024 was cancelled...

See also