Czech Republic - General Information
Country Name
Czech Republic / Czechia (Česká Republika)
National railway system
České dráhy was the state railway operator until January 1st 2003, when it was replaced by the state-owned administrator / infrastructure manager now named Správa železnic (SŽ) and the České dráhy, a.s. group of carrier companies. Since 2010 the network has been managed using a public service obligation framework, under which the regional governments can procure and subsidize carriers to operate lines within their region while the Ministry of Transport can similarly procure and subsidize carriers to operate long distance (R and Ex category) services. Open access international services began to operate in 2011.
Note: In the Czech Republic, companies that actually operate the trains are referred to as “carriers”, while the term “operators” is used to identify companies that manage the infrastructure and operations on railway lines.
National Railway Operator
České Dráhy a.s. (ČD) remains the predominant carrier
Other Operators
Open Access Carriers:
- Regiojet a.s. operate services between between Praha and Budapest via Brno, between Praha and Przemyśl via Bohumín and Kraków, and between Praha and Košice via Bohumín and Žilina
- Leo Express a.s. operate services between Praha and Kraków via Bohumín and between Praha and Košice via Bohumín and Žilina
Other Carriers:
- Arriva vlaky s.r.o. operate an extensive portfolio of long distance services and local services in the Zlínský, Plzeňský and Liberecký regions
- AŽD Praha s.r.o. operate services on two lines from Lovosice in the Ústecký region, also a seasonal service on their privately owned line between Kopidlno and Dolní Bousov
- Die Länderbahn CZ s.r.o. operate local services in the Ústecký region, and in the Liberecký region under the Trilex brand name
- Gepard Express SE operate some seasonal services between Most and Moldava v Krušných horách
- GW Train Regio a.s. operate an extensive portfolio of local services in the Olomoucký / Královéhradecký / Ústecký / Karlovarský / Plzeňský / Jihočeský regions plus the Plzeň to Most long distance service (R25)
- KŽC Doprava s.r.o. operate some of the S34 and S43 local services in the Praha area (SŽ tables 071 and 092), plus a range of tourist services during the summer months using their own heritage stock
- Leo Express Tenders s.r.o. operate some local services for the Pardubický region and between Lichov and Wrocław (Poland) (SŽ table 024)
- MBM rail s.r.o. do not own any passenger stock but have a passenger carrier licence and operates some tourist and nostalgia services
- METRANS Rail s.r.o. do not own any passenger stock but have a passenger carrier licence and operates some tourist and nostalgia services
- Railway Capital a.s operate tourist services on six lines during the summer months
- Regiojet a.s. in addition to their open access services also operate state supported long distance services between Bohumín and Brno (R8) and between Kolín and Ústí nad Labem (R23), also the S49 and S61 local services in the Praha area
- Regiojet ÚK a.s. operate local services in the Ústecký region
- Slezské zemské dráhy, o.p.s operate heritage services on the narrow gauge (760mm) Třemešná ve Slezsku to Osoblaha line (SŽ table 298)
- Zubačka provoz s.r.o. operate some services between Tanvald and Harrachov as well as using their passenger carrier licence to operate other tourist and nostalgia services
A full list of passenger and freight carriers can be found here.
Czech Koruna
UIC code
numeric 54, alpha CZ
Journey Planner
The ČD website has a journey planner that offers results including all carriers.
The One Ticket integrated ticketing system offers a journey planner that includes results for all participating carriers.
Actual Train Times
Real time arrival and departure information for any station can be viewed on the SŽ website at arrivals-and-departures.
The SŽ website has an interactive map showing the location of all trains on the network. Detailed information about each train can be obtained by clicking on its icon, any line which is highlighted has a current or projected disruption and details can be obtained by clicking on it.
Similar interactive maps are also available at ČD trains and SŽ/GRAPP
Downloadable Timetable
The full timetable is available from both the SŽ website and the ČD website as individual PDF files. Timetable updates can also be found on this unofficial site.
Station departure sheets can be printed from the SŽ website that are accessed by initially selecting a major station in the relevant area, while train formation details can be found on the ČD website by entering the train number and selecting the date.
Scans of historical timetables from 1988, 1944 and 1918 are available on the Zelpage website.
Printed Timetable
From 2023 the timetable book was published by on behalf of SŽ, the Czech infrastructure authority, rather than directly by ČD, and a correspondent advises SŽ will not be producing one for 2024/25. The previous editions availability was limited as station booking offices no longer stocked it. At Praha hlavní nádraží (the main station) the 2023/24 edition appears was only available from the "Pont" newsagents on the lower concourse at a price of CZK199 (approximately €8). All operators' trains were included and printed in Czech throughout but with general instructions in English, German and French. Supplements were issued but from 2019 were only online. A fold-out, near-geographic route diagram was included in the timetable, and there are enlargements of the Praha, Brno and Ostrava areas.
Additional Notes on reading the Timetable
- The "crossed hammers" working days symbol means "Mondays to Fridays" and not, as for most other railways, "Mondays to Saturdays".
- Two useful symbols exist which show the booked route for trains not calling at a station: in the middle of the train column, a vertical bar "|" means that the train passes through the station without stopping, whereas a vertical 'wiggly line' ">" and "<" means that the train does not pass through that station but instead takes a different route. This must not be confused with a vertical 'wiggly line' to the left of the time, which means that the train runs only on certain days.
Engineering Information
Available on the ČD website at Omezení provozu. Information is displayed covering both planned works and unplanned emergencies. The main dialogue defaults to a listing for all regions (“Všechny kraje”), all lines (“Všechny tratě”) and the current date, values can be selected from the drop-down lists for each field. The second tab ("Omezení provozu podle vlaků") enables disruptions to be lists for a particular train number and date. Maps showing the locations of works can be downloaded by clicking on “Mapa výluk”/“Tento týden”/“Ke stažení” for the current week and “Mapa výluk”/“Příští týden”/"Ke stažení" for the following week.
Bus Information
Access the IDOS website and click on the English (or German) icon (given by small flags) in the menu drop-down.
Printed Maps
- European Railway Atlas (All-Europe Edition) by M.G. Ball.
- European Railway Atlas (Regional Series: Book 3) by M.G. Ball.
- The "Atlas Drah, Ceské Republiky 2006-2007” is a hard backed very detailed 1:200000 map by Zdenék Hudec (ISBN 80-87047-00-1), generally available in large ČD station bookstalls and Information Offices. It shows numerous freight-only lines and also has Tram and Trolley bus system maps. However, unlike the previous edition, the indexed key of numbered highlights from each page is only in Czech.
- The Czech Tourist Club produces a series of 95 1:50000 walking maps which are often available in station kiosks for the local area.
Web-based Maps
- The SŽ website gives access to a Network map.
- The SŽ website also gives access to infrastructure maps.
- The "Atlas Drah" (see above) can also be accessed on line via the Zelpage website.
- Open Railway map. Zoom into Czech Republic and this shows lines to a much more detailed level than the "Atlas Drah".
- Map of Czech Republic dated December 2022 - on the Railroad Maps site.
- Maps and Plans - Czech Republic
- web-based mapping showing good railway coverage
ČD offers an All-Day ticket (Celodenní jízdenka), valid only on its own trains, but which is much better value than the standard One Country passes when using their trains. These tickets are available for individual regions (‘kraj’) or for the entire network. In recent years a highly discounted one or two-week ČD Summer Ticket (Jízdenka na léto) has also been available from 01 July to 31 August. It should be noted that the individual regions are increasingly offering tickets under their own regional integrated ticket systems, particularly in Jihomoravský (South Moravia) where it is no longer possible to buy a ČD local ticket for travel only within the region. Local tickets to destinations outside of the area are unaffected.
Since December 2020, the OneTicket has been available, allowing travel with most railway carriers and enabling through journeys involving more than one carrier to be booked. A few services are excluded; the principal ones being Leo Express trains between Praha and Ostrava and beyond. Regular travellers can purchase period tickets; it is also possible to purchase network-wide tickets for a day or for a period. Unlike the ČD-only equivalent, daily OneTickets are available in First and Second Class versions.
Infrastructure Authority
Since 1 January 2003 infrastructure has been managed by a state organization, which is currently Správa železnic(SŽ). Prior to 1 January 2020 the name was Správa železniční dopravní cesty (SŽDC).
Network Statement
Our railway > How to operate on our railway > Network Statements (by year)
Standard, except for the 760 mm gauge routes from Jindřichúv Hradec to Obrataň and Nová Bystřice, and from Třemešná ve Slezsku to Osoblaha.
A small section of dual metre/standard gauge tramway track remains in Liberec for heritage services.
Generally, lines to the north and east of Praha are electrified at 3 kV DC, whereas those to the west and south of Praha are electrified at 25 kV 50 Hz. The two systems meet at
- km 42,360 between Beroun Králův Dvůr and Beroun Králův Dvůr-Popovice on the line between Praha and Plzeň;
- Benešov u Prahy, on the line between Praha and České Budějovice;
- Klášterec nad Ohří, near Kadaň on the line between Chomutov and Karlovy Vary;
- km 31,5 between Kadaň-Prunéřov and Kadaň;
- Kutná Hora, on the line between Kolín and Brno;
- Svitavy-Lány, on the line between Česká Třebova and Brno;
- Nezamyslice, on the line between Přerov and Brno; and
- Říkovice, on the line between Přerov and Břeclav.
There is an isolated 1500 V DC branch in the south from Tábor to Bechyně. Plans to renew the catenary and possibly convert to 25 kV AC were stalled in 2023.
Retz (Austria) - Šatov - Znojmo is electrified at 15 kV AC.
The Transport ministry decided in December 2016 that SŽDC (now SŽ) must convert all 3 kV DC lines to 25 kV AC in a programme to be implemented between 2025 and 2040.
A 43 km section of the Břeclav – Přerov main line (Nedakonice – Říkovice) was converted on 14 Jul 2022.
Work should start on converting the 12.1 km section between Kadaň-Prunéřov and odb. Dubina (west of Chomutov) to 25 kV AC in December 2025, with completion expected in October 2027.
It seems Šatov - Znojmo will not be converted.
Rule of the road
Right-hand. Bohumín - Břeclav converted from left-hand to right-hand running on 9 December 2012. An unusual flyover arrangement existed at the eastern end of the Přerov avoiding line to effect a changeover, now no longer required. Most double-tracked routes are reversibly signalled and often used as such.
- Annex B of the Network Statement 2023 gives the total length of each line in column 5, in addition to other information.
- On the Atlaskolejowy website select the line from the drop down list labelled 'Wykaz linii kolejowych w Czechach' .
- The "Atlas Drah, Ceské Republiky 2006-2007” gives detailed distances. See Maps above.
Other Railways
The following timetable routes form part of the national network but are not owned or managed (operated) by SŽ:
- 032 - Trutnov hl. n. - Svoboda nad Úpou, operated by PDV Railway a.s. (with ČD as the carrier)
- 145 - (Karlovy Vary dolní nádraží –) Sokolov - Kraslice, operated by PDV Railway a.s. (with GW Train Regio a.s. as the carrier)
- 291 - Šumperk - Petrov nad Desnou - Kouty nad Desnou and Petrov nad Desnou - Sobotin, operated by SART a.s. (with ČD as the carrier]
- 313 - Milotice nad Opavou - Vrbno pod Pradědem, operated by PKP Cargo International a.s. (with GW Train Regio a.s. as the carrier)
Tourist Lines
- Česká Kamenice - Kamenický Šenov, operated by KŽC "Kamenický motoráček". See also SŽ table 082
- Zastávka u Brna – Babice u Rosic – Zbýšov (600mm gauge), operated by Muzeum průmyslových železnic (MPŽ)
- (Ústí nad Labem-Střekov -) Velké Březno - Zubrnice, operated by Zubrnické museální železnice. Through service from Ústí nad Labem-Střekov operated by MBM rail s.r.o.. See also SŽ table 073
- Mladějov na Moravě – Nová Ves u Kunčiny – Hřebeč (narrow gauge, 600mm), operated by Mladějovská Průmyslová Dráha (MPD). See
- Solvayovy Lomy narrow gauge (600mm) tourist quarry line near Beroun. See Solvayovy Lomy
- Tanvald - Harrachov. Tourist trains operated by METRANS Rail. See Zubačka, also SŽ table 036/Nostalgické vlaky
- Kolin Sendražice to Bychory (600mm). 6km former sugar beet railway operated by Kolínská řepařská drážka (KŘD)
- Jindřichov Hradec to Nová Bystřice and Obratán (760mm), Jindřichohradecké mistni dráhy a.s. JHMD. Operations ceased on 2 October 2022, but resumed over a short section of the line between Nová Bystřice and Hůrky on 10 August 2024. It is hoped to reopen more of the line in 2024, once a full safety certificate is granted.
A list of Tourist lines and draisine operations is available at the site
The UrbanRailNet site has a basic diagram of the metro system along a link to the local operator.
Details and map can be found in "Tram Atlas of Mitteleuropa" by Robert Schwandl (2017).
A track plan is available on the Doprava website.
DPP organises occasional excursions on each of the three Metro lines. The Zličin (Line B) tour involves travel out of the depot and traversal of the depot triangle and test track. The Kačerov (Line C) tour involves travel out of the depot, while the Kacerov tours in association with KZC also include travel Praha hl.n. - Praha Krč including the connection to Kačerov.
Brno, Liberec, Most-Litvínov, Olomouc, Ostrava, Plzeň, Praha.
The UrbanRailNet site has basic diagrams of the tramway systems along with links to the local operators.
Details, maps and track plans can also be found in "Tram Atlas of Mitteleuropa" by Robert Schwandl (2017).
Track plans for a number of systems are available on the Doprava website.
See also Czech Republic - Tram services over obscure routes.
Recent and future changes
Prospective network and timetable changes
120: The line between Praha-Bubny and Praha-Dejvice is scheduled to reopen on 2nd August 2025 following completion of rebuilding works. The Praha Masarykovo avoiding curve will also regain a pair of trains from the same date.
071: PDF's since 2023 have been showing a station at Praha-Čakovice zámecký park with no timings, which would be a new passenger service conversion of a 1 km long freight stub from Praha-Čakovice. Timescales and whether this will go ahead are not known.
Recent changes
Changes during the timetable period commencing 15 December 2024
- 063: AŽD Praha will operate trains between Dolní Bousov and Kopidlno between April and September 2025, using a class 810 railcar that has been modified to showcase systems for Autonomous train operation.
- 170: From the start of the new timetable, the route between Praha-Radotín and Praha-Krč via the Braník Bridge will see regular use by fast trains between Praha and Plzeň while engineering works take place around Praha-Smíchov and the Vyšehrad / Výtoň bridges.
- 271 The north to south-east curve at Mošnov, Ostrava Airport (to/from Skotnice) regains regular services from the start of the new timetable.
- 280 Regional services resumed across the Horní Lideč ČD - Strelenka ŽSR (- Púchov) border crossing, operated by ZSSK, to augment the existing EC ones. There are five regional train pairs.
- 001: From the start of the new timetable, the Bohumín avoiding line (Bohumín-Vrbice – Chałupki) no longer carries any scheduled passenger service.
- 024: The last 2 km from Moravský Karlov to Mlýnický Dvůr loses its limited weekend-only service from the start of the new timetable.
- 144: Loket to Loket předměstí loses its service from the start of the new timetable
Changes during the timetable period commencing 10 December 2023
- 132 Weekend services between Děčín hl.n. and Telnice were extended a further 9 km to Krupka město on 21 September 2024, operated by KŽC Doprava s.r.o.
- 229 Services on the JHMD narrow-gauge line between Nová Bystřice and Jindřichův Hradec, which ceased suddenly in October 2022, resumed on the short stretch between Nová Bystřice and Hůrky on 10 August 2024. Trains run on Fridays to Sundays only. A gradual reopening of the rest of the line is planned, but only for tourist trains rather than scheduled passenger services.
Revenue services over the full length of inter-urban tram Route 11 between Liberec and Jablonec nad Nisou restarted on 1 May 2024, following completion rebuilding work on the section from Vratislavice to the Jablonec nad Nisou terminus which included conversion from metre to 1,435 mm gauge and a realignment in Proseč nad Nisou to a shared platform with ČD.
- A new station opened at Pardubice centrum on 9 June 2024, comprising a single island platform on the north side of the formation approximately 1 km east of Pardubice hl. n. The new station is the new starting/terminating point for most local services to/from line 031.
- 240: (Brno -) Střelice - Náměšť nad Oslavou closed temporarily from 30 April 2024 for the rest of the year, for the next stage of work on the upgrade and electrification of the line to Jihlava.
- 250: (Brno -) Vlkov u Tišnova - Křižanov closed temporarily from 01 March to 30 September 2024 for upgrade work to take place. R category fast trains are replaced by buses between Brno and Křižanov.
- 093: Brandýsek - Kladno closed temporarily from 10 December 2023 for upgrade work including electrification, scheduled to last until 01 August 2024.
Changes with the timetable commencing 11 December 2022
- 089 (DB KBS 236) Varnsdorf Pivovar Kocour – Seifhennersdorf (DE) reopened on 11 June 2023 after 8 years of 'temporary closure', operated by 'Trilex'.
- The interurban tramway between Most and Litvínov reopened on 1 May 2023 after some 2 years of closure for modernisation and rebuilding.
- 304 Kojetín – Tovačov reopened on 1 July 2023 for a summer Saturday service running until 2 September, operated by Railway Capital, a.s.
Temporary Reopening
- 240: Following damage to the viaduct over the Svratka river south of Brno hl.n. in December 2022, most weekday S4 services were diverted from 9 January 2023 to instead use Brno dolní nádraží thereby reopening this station with a regular service. This continued until the year-end timetable change in December 2023.
- 062 Městec Králové - Křinec closed with the start of the new timetable
- 122:The platform at Praha-Smíchov severní nástupiště closed with effect from 02 October 2023, as part of the project to reconstruct the main station here. Temporarily from this date, trains to/from Praha-Zličín need to perform a double shunt at the south end of Praha-Smíchov in order to reach the main line.
- 262 Boskovice – Velké Opatovice from 10 June 2023
Temporary Closures
- 093: Kladno - Brandýsek closed on 01 July 2023 for an expected period of 13 months for electrification work between Kladno and Kladno-Ostrovec
- 255 Hodonín - Kobylí na Moravě weekday services permanently withdrawn from from 12 June 2023, but weekend services also withdrawn due to engineering work from the same date until December 2023
- 120: The line between Praha Bubny and Praha Dejvice closed temporarily from 12 March 2023 for upgrade work associated with the Kladno line / airport branch project.
- 130 (formerly 132): Electrification at 25 kV AC was inaugurated on the short branch from Kadaň-Prunéřov to Kadaň předměstí at the start of the new timetable, requiring dual-voltage stock since the main line is 3 kV DC.
- 290: A full electric service was inaugurated between Olomouc and Šumperk via Uničov at the start of the new timetable. The line was energised at 3 kV DC, but the equipment is designed with conversion to 25 kV AC in mind.
Changes with the timetable commencing 12 December 2021
- A 1.2 km extension of Olomouc tramway lines 3 & 5, from Trnkova to U Kaplicky, opened on 1 November 2022.
- 139: Dĕčin to Telnice reopened to summer weekend traffic on 02 April 2022, operated by KŽC.
- 204: Březnice – Rožmitál pod Třemšínem reopened to summer weekend traffic on 12 June 2022 after alternative funding to support service was found.
- 222: Vlašim – Trhový Štěpánov reopened to summer weekend traffic on 4 June 2022, operated by Railway Capital a.s.
- 220: [Part] Votice – Sudoměřice u Tábora new line opened 30 June 2022.
- 232: A new double-track bridge over the River Elbe north of Čelákovice was opened on 12 December 2021, having been built alongside the original structure.
- 094: Vraňany - Lužec nad Vltavou at start of new timetable
- 204: Březnice – Rožmitál pod Třemšínem at start of new timetable, but note summer weekend reopening, above
- 222: Vlašim – Trhový Štěpánov, but note summer weekend reopening, above.
- 220: [Part] Votice – Sudoměřice u Tábora closed from 02 April 2022 for replacement by new line
- 228: Jindřichův Hradec – Obrataň and
- 229: Jindřichův Hradec – Nová Bystřice. These two narrow gauge lines suspended and replaced by bus services from 3 October 2022 as a result of insolvency and the expiry of the operating licence of the owning company, JHMD. A limited service between Nová Bystřice and Hůrky resumed on 10 August 2024, but it is hoped to extend this further in 2024.
Changes with the timetable commencing 13 December 2020
- 221: [Part] New line Praha-Vršovice - Praha-Hostivař via Praha-Eden opened.
- 001/011 Praha-Vršovice – Praha-Malešice – Praha-Běchovice: Passenger services (one pair) re-introduced over this freight line.
- The inter-urban tram route 11 between Liberec and Jablonec nad Nisou closed on 18 July 2021 for conversion from metre gauge to standard gauge (1435mm). The section between Liberec and Vratislavice reopened on 19 November 2021, however the remainder of the line requires more extensive work and is not expected to reopen until 2023. During the closure the metre gauge tramcars are being converted to standard gauge.
- 017 (Part) Chornice – Velké Opatovice
- 221: (Part) Praha-Vršovice - Praha-Hostivař via Praha-Strašnice zastávka closed to all traffic, replaced by new route through former freight yard.
Passenger service withdrawals:
- 012 (part, formerly 013) : Bošice - Bečváry with effect from 01 June 2021.
- 063: Bakov nad Jizerou – Dolní Bousov, with effect from 01 November 2021.
- 095: Straškov – Zlonice with effect from 01 November 2021.
- 193: Netolice - Dívčice (- Číčenice) and Číčenice - Týn nad Vltavou, with effect from 25 June 2021 after carrier KPT ceased rail operations
- 233: Čelákovice - Mochov with effect from 30 October 2021.
Older Changes
For details of older changes dating back to the year 2001 see Czech Republic - Older General Information.
Future Changes
Modernization of Praha – Kladno line including branch to Václav Havel Airport
Plans for a rail link from central Praha to Václav Havel Airport (previously Ruzyně International Airport) have been in the making for many years. A project was finally approved in principle in 2016 which would result in a major upgrade to the line between Praha and Kladno and incorporating a branch to the airport from Praha-Ruzyně, delivering an electrified (25 kV AC) double-track railway throughout. By late 2019, with much of the detailed planning completed, the cost was estimated at CZK 40bn (approx. EUR 1.6bn). The SŽ website has a dedicated section for this project (in Czech only) at zeleznice-na-letiste. The main elements of the project (in geographical sequence) comprise:
- Modernisation of Praha Masarykovo nádraží station, which will be the main terminal station for airport services. Work started in January 2024 which will see the number of platforms increased from 7 to 9 and a new raft built over the platforms. Work is expected to be completed in 2027. Modernizace-a-dostavba-zst.-masarykovo-nadrazi includes some visualisations of the new station.
- Praha-Bubny – Praha- Výstaviště. Praha-Bubny station will be rebuilt during 2024, slightly south of the old station site and close to the Vltavská metro station. The viaduct between there and a new station at Výstaviště (Exhibition Centre) is also being completely rebuilt for double-track and electrification. Work formally started in January 2023 and is expected to be completed in early 2025. While work to construct the new Bubny station is taking place, the running line to Praha-Holešovice zastávka has been temporarily relocated to the east of the work site.
- Praha-Výstaviště - Praha-Dejvice - Praha-Veleslavín. West of Výstaviště the line will enter a new tunnel to reach a new sub-surface Praha-Dejvice station, which will include direct interchange with metro line A. The line will continue in tunnel to just east of Praha-Veleslavín station. The changeover from 3 kV to 25 kV will be east of Praha-Dejvice. Work is currently expected to start on this section in 2025 and take around four years.
- Praha-Veleslavín – Praha-Ruzyně. Apart from double tracking / electrification, a new station will be added at Praha-Liboc. Praha-Veleslavín will be rebuilt including direct interchange with metro line A. Work should start on this section in 2025.
- Praha-Ruzyně – Praha Václav Havel Airport. The new branch will be double track throughout and will run to an underground station serving both passenger terminals, with an intermediate station at Praha-Dlouhá Míle. Work on this section should start in 2024.
- Praha-Ruzyně – Hostivice – Kladno. Work to double-track and electrify this section should start in 2024 and take around three years. The work will include some significant realignments and new stations/halts will be built at Malé Přítočno (replacing Unhošť) and Pletený Újezd.
- Praha Václav Havel Airport – Hostivice / Jeneč. This will be the last section to be built and extends the Airport branch westwards back to a triangular junction with the Kladno line near the existing odb. Jeneček (about mid way between Hostivice and Jeneč), primarily to enable trains to/from Kladno to access the Airport.
- Kladno – Kladno-Ostrovec. This section will also be double-tracked and electrified. Work started in November 2022, with the line as far as Brandýsek temporarily closed from 01 July 2023 for 13 months.
Praha (South) area enhancements
A series of projects is currently in hand to upgrade the approaches to Praha from the Beroun direction, which will increase speeds and capacity as well as providing additional diversionary options and the infrastructure for a projected service along the Praha-Radotín - Praha-Krč - Praha-Zahradní Město axis.
- Reconstruction of Praha-Smíchov. Work started in 2023 on remodelling this station, which will include the addition of a third island platform. The work is expected to be completed in 2027.
- (Praha-Radotín –) odb. Tunel – Praha-Krč – odb. Spořilov. Work started in January 2024 on doubling the normally freight-only route between odb. Tunel and Praha-Krč (via the Braník bridge). The line is expected to be closed until at least July 2024. The project also includes rebuilding Praha-Kačerov station with an island platform and the creation of a new junction at odb. Spořilov where the lines to Praha-Vršovice and Praha-Zahradní Město diverge.
- Reconstruction of Vyšehrad / Výtoň bridges. The existing bridges are in poor condition and are subject to traffic limitations. Design work is still in progress but the goal is to have a three track railway between Praha hl.n. and Praha-Smíchov. It is hoped that work will start in 2026.
- Reconstruction between Vyšehrad and Praha hl.n. Work is planned to start in 2026 on rebuilding this section of line, which will take approximately 2 years.
- Upgrade odb. Spořilov – Praha- Zahradní Město. This line will be doubled, with the work expected to take place between 2026 and 2028.
High Speed network / vysokorychlostních tratě (VRT)
In 2017 the Czech government approved a program for the development of a “Rapid Connections” (Rychlých spojení or RS) network within the country, which would include newly built high-speed lines (vysokorychlostních tratí or VRT). The SŽ website has a dedicated section for this project (in Czech only) at VRT. Designs are in preparation for four RS/VRT routes:
- RS 1 Praha – Brno – Ostrava (length 385 km). The principal route in the network, from central Praha via new interchange stations at Praha východ (Praha East) and Jihlava to Brno and Ostrava. Construction will include eight sections of high-speed line: VRTs Praha, Polabí, Střední Čechy, Vysočina II, Vysočina I, Haná, Moravská brána I and Moravská brána II. Construction work on the sections east of Přerov could start as soon as 2026-2027. The high-speed section between Brno and Přerov (VRT Haná) is a long term option, in the short term the conventional line on this route will be upgraded to double track and 200 km/h operation.
- RS 2 Brno – Břeclav (VRT Jižní Morava, length 44 km). This is a branch from RS 1 at Brno providing a high-speed link for trains to Austria and Slovakia. In late 2023 this was believed to be the most advanced in terms of design and likely to be the first to be constructed, between 2026 and 2030.
- RS 4 Praha – Ústí nad Labem – Dresden (length 137 km). Construction on the first phase of this project, VRT Podřipsko from Praha to Lovosice (60km), could start as soon as 2027-2028. The other phases, VRT Středohorský tunel and Krušnohorský tunel as well as a branch to Most (VRT Pohří) would follow some time after this.
- RS 5 Praha – Hradec Králové/Pardubice – Wrocław (length 273 km), including VRTs Východní Čechy and Podkrkonoší, is in a very early design stage and work is not expected to start before 2040.
Upgrade of Brno to Přerov line
This line forms part of the link between the country’s second and third largest cities (Brno and Ostrava) but is mostly single track. The line is to be upgraded to double track throughout with a maximum speed of 200 km/h, forming part of the Rapid Connections RS 1 route in advance of the construction of VRT Haná. The upgrade will be carried out as five separate projects, with construction dates currently estimated as follows:
- Brno – Blažovice, 2028 – 2032
- Blažovice – Vyškov, 2026 – 2031
- Vyškov – Nezamyslice, 2027 – 2033
- Nezamyslice – Kojetín, 2025 – 2028
- Kojetín – Přerov, 2025 – 2028
Relocation of Brno hlavni nádraží
Despite considerable opposition to the closure of Brno hlavni nádraží and the main line running through it, the City of Brno and the Region of South Moravia have decided to site the new main station in the Trnitá urban redevelopment area by the Svratka River. This will be on the site of Brno dolni nádraží on the freight line between odb. Černovice and Horní Heršpice. The new station will have 14 platforms and a regional bus station. In 2023 the cost was estimated at €1·8bn with completion 2032-35.
The decision is clearly driven by a wish to redevelop the land released by the closure of Brno hl n. As at June 2018 the Central Committee of the Ministry of Transport was considering the four suggested alternatives for an underground transport connection from the new station. This new transit connection, which some people are calling “Brno’s subway”, is to connect the north of the city with the centre and the south but this is not yet funded.
Construction work at the new Brno hl.n. site is unlikely to start before 2028, however there will be a number of preparatory projects on the approaches to the new station. Work will start in 2024 to rebuild Brno Židenice station and to quadruple the line between there and odb. Černovice.
Praha - Mladá Boleslav via Lysá nad Labem
The existing route from Praha to Mladá Boleslav via Neratovice (Line 070) is single track and not electrified and therefore extremely constrained. Rather than upgrade this route, the solution that has been adopted is to create a route via Lysá nad Labem and Milovice which will include several completely new sections of line. Work started on upgrading the Praha - Lysá nad Labem section in 2017 and should be completed in late 2025, the rest of the project still requires final approvals but is anticipated to start in 2028 and take 4 to 5 years. The combined impact of all the changes will be to reduce the travel time between Praha and Mladá Boleslav by around 30 minutes. The project comprises the following remaining elements:
- Line 232 (in progress) Work started in November 2022 on the section between Mstětice and Čelákovice, including a new alignment of approximately 1 km east of Mstětice and one of just under 2 km south of Čelákovice which will enable the line speed to be increased. The work should be completed in late 2025.
- Lines 231/232: The line between Lysá nad Labem and Milovice will be rerouted and double tracked. The line between Nymburk and Lysá nad Labem will also be upgraded.
- New double track line between Milovice and Čachovice, the “Všejanská spojka”, approx. 7km in length.
- Line 062 Nymburk - Čachovice – Nepřevázka. The line will be electrified throughout and will be double track north of Čachovice but remain single track between Nymburk and Čachovice.
- New double track link between Nepřevázka and a new station at Mladá Boleslav východ on line 064, the “Bezděčínská spojka”. This will also benefit freight traffic to the Skoda plant at Mladá Boleslav by avoiding the steeply inclined route via Mladá Boleslav hl.n. The line west of Mladá Boleslav východ will be widened to three tracks towards Mladá Boleslav město.
- Rebuilding of Mladá Boleslav město station, which will become the main station in the city, plus new track westwards forming a north facing curve onto line 070 towards Bakov nad Jizerou - the “Dalovická spojka”.
Plzeň to Domažlice and state border with Germany (Line 180)
This line is to be upgraded and electrified. The remodelling work that took place west of Plzeň in 2018/2019 included the construction of a new double track junction onto this line. The main part of the upgrade is split into four sub-projects which are all in advanced stages of planning / approval:
- New line Plzeň-Skvrňany - Stod. This will be double track throughout, 18.5 km in length, configured for 200 km/h operation. Construction is planned to start in 2025 and to take approximately 3 years.
- Upgrade Plzeň-Skvrňany - Nýřany – Zbůch. The existing single track line via Nýřany will be retained for suburban traffic, as far as Zbůch where it will merge with the new fast line. The upgrade work is planned to start in 2025 and to take approximately 18 months.
- Stod – Domažlice. Although being managed as a single project there will be three distinct elements, new 200 km/h double track lines will be built between Stod and Holýšov and between Blížejov and Domažlice, while the middle section between Holýšov and Blížejov will be upgraded but remain single track. Work is planned to start in 2027 and to take approximately 3 years.
- The line from Domažlice to the state border will be electrified and upgraded for 115km/h operation. Work is currently planned to start in 2028 and to take around 2 years. DB Netz have started planning work to electrify the line onwards to Cham and Schwandorf but this is still in its early stages. See
Other projects under way or planned
228/229: After ceasing operations in October 2022 and narrowly avoiding bankruptcy, the ownership and management of JHMD have now been restructured and services have resumed over a short stretch of line (see Recent Changes, below). The two regions through which the narrow gauge railway passes (Jihočeský/South Bohemia and Vysočina) are supporting the reopening process and have selected Gepard Express as the Carrier. According to the JHMD website, the line will be further reopened in gradual stages.
132 (formerly 139): When the summer service was restored between Děčín hl.n. and Telnice in 2022, it had been hoped to reopen all the way through to Jeníkov-Oldřichov (formerly Oldřichov u Duchcova) but this was prevented by poor condition of the track. Trains currently run as far as Krupka město, but Table 132 of the draft 2024-25 Czech timetable shows services running through to Jeníkov-Oldřichov from 29 March 2025 (the start of services on the line). Whether or not this actually happens remains to be seen.
097: In February 2020 the CZ Ministry of Transport approved plans for reconstruction of the line between Chotiměř and Radejčín which has been closed since June 2013 due to a landslide at Dobkovičky. Several different detailed schemes have been proposed for rebuilding this section but the latest estimate is that it will not reopen before 2026.
130: Plans are being developed to move Chomutov station to a new site around 600m closer to the city centre which will involve remodelling the area. This is not expected to start before 2028 but will be preceded by upgrades to the line from both the Kadaň-Prunéřov (2025-2027) and Třebušice (2024-2027) directions, including provision for conversion to 25 kV AC.
202 Tábor - Bechyně: Conversion of the electrification to 25 kV AC from 1500 V DC (originally 700 V DC) was approved on 31 January 2020, for implementation in 2023-24. This was amended in 2021 to a scheme retaining the 1500 V DC supply but with renewed catenary ready for 25 kV AC. However cost increases and disagreements between SŽ and the Government led to the scheme being deferred in 2023. Work started at the end of April 2024 on a modest scheme to replace catenary masts and wooden sleepers, with the line being closed for around six weeks.
086: There is a proposal to upgrade between Česká Lípa and Mimoň on the line to Liberec which would involve around 2 km of line straightening plus the relocation of Zákupy station. Current estimates are that this work should start in 2027.
Praha Metro Line B is to be extended from Zličin to Zličin metro depot. Construction work is now expected to start in 2026. See.
Special Notes
In the Czech Republic the summer holidays are always 1 July - 31 August. This may be useful in determining when some preserved lines may run.
At busy junctions in country areas it can sometimes be difficult to ascertain which is which train. Most units have a digital display on each side of the train but some older units only have a paper notice or laminated card in the door window. If there is any doubt, the departure indicator in the station should give the track number; these are numbered outwards from the station building starting at 1. Track numbers are often not given until shortly before departure to prevent people walking across the tracks when there may be train movements. Platform numbers can also be found by using the ČD app ("Můj Vlak").
At certain branch line termini or reversal points when the stock used is a railcar and trailer coach, the railcar will run round its trailer. By remaining on the railcar during this manoeuvre, a considerable extra distance beyond the terminal station platforms may be covered.
At the following locations trains on the indicated route make a reversal manoeuvre away from the main station area:
- 041: Turnov (twice)
- 074: Neratovice
- 076: Mladá Boleslav hl. n.
- 144: Chodov
- 122: Praha-Smíchov (twice, temporarily during construction work)
- 164: Kaštice ("Doupovská dráha" services from Kadaň and Krásný Dvůr)
- 235: Kutná Hora hl. n.