Italy (Trentino Alto Adige) - Lines with Obscure or Sparse passenger services
This list is based on the timetable in force from 15 December 2024. Although the timetable is shown as valid until 14 June 2025, most long-distance services are shown as operating only for a couple of months. Such trains are not indicated by note 'D' (for a service only running on certain dates), because it is a reasonable expectation that their period of operation will be extended or a similar service is provided instead. It is assumed that the timetable will continue to be updated and reissued regularly, as has been the case since summer 2020. Users are recommended to check the Trenitalia website to ensure they are using the latest version of the timetable.
Table numbers quoted here are from In Treno Tutt'Italia, the official Trenitalia timetable. Standard abbreviations are explained here.
Map references for each route entry are given in parentheses ( ). References prefixed "ERA-E" refer to the European Railway Atlas (All-Europe Edition) by M.G. Ball. References prefixed "ERA-R" refer to the European Railway Atlas (Regional Series: Book 2) by M.G. Ball. References prefixed "S+W", or in italic, refer to Atlante ferroviaro d'Italia e Slovenia by Schweers + Wall.
Two useful symbols exist which show the booked route for trains not calling at a station: in the middle of the train column, a vertical bar "|" means that the train passes through the station without stopping, whereas a middle dot "·" means that the train does not pass through that station but instead takes a different route.
Obscure services
Oberbozen/Soprabolzano – Maria Himmelfahrt/L'Assunta
(ERA-E 82A1; ERA-R 153B4; S+W 136C2-136D2) IT24/21
STA – Südtiroler Transportstrukturen AG/STA – Strutture Trasporto Alto Adige SpA operates a half-hourly service over most of the metre gauge Rittner Bahn/Treno del Renon electric tramway between Klobenstein/Collalbo and Oberbozen/Soprabolzano. There is a limited service over the 1.2 km extension from Oberbozen/Soprabolzano to Maria Himmelfahrt/L'Assunta. Timetable information can be found at the Südtirol Mobil website. Timings are shown in table 160 (Rittner Bahn/Treno del Renon).
- From Oberbozen/Soprabolzano: 08:24, 12:24, 13:24, 18:24, 19:24
- From Maria Himmelfahrt/L'Assunta: 08:30, 12:30, 13:30, 18:30, 19:30
Journey time from Maria Himmelfahrt/L'Assunta to Oberbozen/Soprabolzano is six minutes, and it is four minutes the other way .
Access to this line from Bozen/Bolzano is by cable car to Oberbozen/Soprabolzano, the lower station being about 600 metres from the FS station. There is a frequent service (table 161). There are also buses hourly between the bus station at Bozen/Bolzano and Klobenstein/Collalbo (table 165).
Fortezza/Franzensfeste – Sillian AT
[210, ÖBB 223] (ERA-R 154A5; S+W 3D3) IT24/22
In Treno does not show the full service between Fortezza Franzensfeste and stations in Austria, but all trains are shown in ÖBB table 223 and Südtirol Mobil website table 400.